Hello Everyone,
I have ordered the Red Sea Max 250 and started to prepare for the transfer of my tanks. I want to move everything out of my Biocude 29, except the sand. My thoughts are this:
I am curing base rock for two weeks to add to the lbs. of the RSM250
45 lbs. of LR is coming out of the BC29
Once I get the two tanks identical in SG, pH and temp, I intend to move some rock out of the 29 and aquascape the entire tank. Leaving some rock in the 29 as I slowly move the livestock over. One fish at a time and one fish per day?? In the tank now is a Blenny, Mandarin, True Percs (2), royal gramma and a fire shrimp. The tanks will be right next to each other.
Also, I have many corals and plan to move them slowly as well, giving them all time to acclimate to the lighting (144 w PC's to 234 w T5's).
My main concern is will the new sand in the RSM250 need to be seeded before any of this should happen. I feel the 95 lbs. of LR will have enough bacteria to ward off a mini cycle.
Any advice or any suggestions would be appreciated.
thank you FC
I have ordered the Red Sea Max 250 and started to prepare for the transfer of my tanks. I want to move everything out of my Biocude 29, except the sand. My thoughts are this:
I am curing base rock for two weeks to add to the lbs. of the RSM250
45 lbs. of LR is coming out of the BC29
Once I get the two tanks identical in SG, pH and temp, I intend to move some rock out of the 29 and aquascape the entire tank. Leaving some rock in the 29 as I slowly move the livestock over. One fish at a time and one fish per day?? In the tank now is a Blenny, Mandarin, True Percs (2), royal gramma and a fire shrimp. The tanks will be right next to each other.
Also, I have many corals and plan to move them slowly as well, giving them all time to acclimate to the lighting (144 w PC's to 234 w T5's).
My main concern is will the new sand in the RSM250 need to be seeded before any of this should happen. I feel the 95 lbs. of LR will have enough bacteria to ward off a mini cycle.
Any advice or any suggestions would be appreciated.
thank you FC