Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!


On January 4th I will be moving. Its a 13 hour drive and I am hoping for alot of help from everyone here to make it go smoothly. I have a 30 gallon that has been up and running for about 5 months now.
Heres what is in the tank:
-25lbs LR
-Large GSP
-Clover Polyp
-Leather Cabbage Polyp (something like that)
-Hairy Mushrooms
-Zoo Polyps
-Frag of a Star Polyp
-Bubble Tip Anenome
-2 Cleaner Shrimp
-Purple Larkia Starfish
-Sand Sifting Starfish (Might be dead, last time i saw was missing and arm, haven't seen since)
-2 Crabs
-Snails and Hermit Crabs
-Crushed Coral Bed
-3 power heads
Please tell me how to move everything so that nothing will die and when i start up again there wont be tons of algae. THANKS


I've moved a 55 gallon before and i just got rubbermaid containers filled it up witht the water from the tank in one for the live rock. Then in the other one i bagged everything up and floated them in the other container with the rest of the tank water. If you buy some live sand you might be better off getting rid of the crushed coral.
Good Luck


when we moved a small tank we put the fish and live stuff in a styrafoam cooler and took as much of the water from the tank as possible. and never lost a thing, but that was about a 9 hour drive
good luck


Whats the difference between bagging the coral and floating them compared to just putting them in a bucket covered and filled with water from the tank?
Also the LFS recogmended keeping the crushed coral becuase it is now alive.
And what should i do about transporting the anenome b/c it is attached to the lr?


Active Member
i say keep the cc but keep it wet just my 2 cents and some people might say go to sand but i honestly like cc


Active Member
take the rock that your anemonie has planted its foot in and hold it just above the water so the anemonie is still under the water ,after a few minutes the anemonie will let go and float away. you can also try to coax it off if its not planted in to a crack


The anenome is in a crack. the LFS said to just crack the rock but i dont want to do that because the rock that it is in has alot of coraline and is a nice looking rock


should i put the cleaner shrimp in 1 bag, and put the 2 crabs in 1 bag, and the snails in one bag, and so one or can anything be put in the same bag. Also should i take the inverts to the LFS in a tub to have them bag em?


Active Member
uhhh...not long enough for that move! a minute. (not good to do) corals it depends which kind (not good to do) and other inverts in kinda depends. They ship anemones with no water...


Active Member
OH!! My bad...I misread the question. You meant how long like in a bag! LIGHTBULB! Well, they ship them from Australia and all I'd say a couple days. Because sometimes the flights get delayed or whatever, and they most of the time arrive I'd say 2 days TOPS, one day is MUCH better.


Active Member
What you might want to do is think about upgrading.... any plans for that in the future??? maybe u/g to a 55 or so.... that way you can go to teh house before you move the fish, get that tank set up with live sand... lr (both cured), and bring the water and other Livestock in one trip. That way you can have a bigger tank! Just a thoguht. Thats what im going to do when i move out of my apt.


thing about upgrading is i'm still a college student and move almost every year. Such a long drive this time is b/c i took a year off and went back home. I def will upgrade to a much bigger tank when i have a steady home. But for now the 30 is doing just fine. looks awesome, i'll post pics probably tonight b/c i haven't in a long time


I would get some cheap rubbermaid containers and a couple of battery powered air pumps from walmart to keep air in the water.
maybe a couple thermometers to keep an eye on the water temp.