Moving Purple tang from established tank.


Active Member
Hello all,
I'm going to buy Purple Tang from the established reef. Guy has this fish for about 3 months. At the begining this fish had white spots, but it has already desapeared a while ago. Fish is completely ok. Do i need to quarantine the tang before putting into my tank? There is no fish in mine. Just inverts and corals. Tank is actually the old one but was moved to a new house and started again. Tank was a month without fish as in the prev. setup fish had white spots.


I bought a hippo tang from my LFS. They had just taken it back from a customer who was selling his tank. He was beautiful, but I still put him in quarantine. Good thing, because 3 days later ich showed up. I figure it was from the stress of the move from his original tank to the LFS to my house.