Moving Question


Ok I'm moving from california to new mexico 13 hour drive. I've already given away my livestock because I feel it would be too much stress for them. However i was wondering if I saved 10 gallions of my water with some crushed coral in it. would it save some of the bacteria,and help shorten the cycle when I set the tank back up? How long can the bacteria live un airated and unheated water. Is it even worth the hassle? Would the liverock be ok wrapped in wet newspaper?:confused:


I would say as long as you have it in water, and you keep the filter media wet, you should be fine. I let mine sit over night and it was okay.


i would save the cc if it was live with critters,then it's worth the hassle!! i would also wrap the live rock in wet news paper and save all ur filter media ,put it in a bucket with ur tank water. yes ur tank will still cycle but it will be shorter then if you started from scratch! remember some ppl buy live sand or cc to get there tank cycling faster.JMO


New Member
I used heavy duty tubs from Lowes to save all my water. I got the 37 gallon tubs and filled them with tank water and live rock. Use 2 people to carry the 3/4 full tub and load it up. Then leave about an inch or 2 of water over the substrate and tape a trash bag or 2 over the tob of the tank. Load it and go. Worked fine for me.


Or if you just keep your filter media in the tank water, and the substrate you can cycle your tank water in a couple of days straight out of the tap.


I moved from Utah to Virginia. I had a big cooler and I tossed the CC into the bottom of the cooler, bio balls, live rock, and then poured the water from my tank. It made it out here fine. I put it all back into my tank and let it run for a week. Added what I wanted and had zero die off. Good luck with the move.