moving salt water 60 gal question??


ok if i were to move my 60 gall FOWLR set up can i just move the tank keep the same water and sand and rock? will it be ok for my canister filter filtration as far as the bacteria developed in the filter.. will I need to cycle again? the move will be accomplished in 1 day or less...


im buying a tank with fish already in it. i think im going to take the fish to the LFS for credit since i dont want to chance losing all of them in the move. sound like a good idea? is there any special tricks i shoudl know about moving a tank.


I recently moved my 46 bowfront,,,just next door, but I bought 2 50 gallon trash cans,,,cleaned them real well, and put the water in them, then used a dolly to wheel all the water over to the new all worked out real well, no loss of life....just fyi