So come to find out it was time for the wife and I to get a house, and now I gotta move. I really would like to know what my best options for successfully moving my corals would be.
Right now I am thinking about getting as much aquarium water as I can into 5 gal jugs (29g aquarium...sooo glad I didn't get a 120
) and transporting that to fill the aquarium back up as far as I can, then doing a top off.
Forget the fish I could care less about them...though I think the wife might be upset if I let them die
. I am most concerned about the many inverts populating the tiny cracks and crevices, and all the coral that has seemed to attach itself to the rock work (except my very confused xenia....apparently it feels at home attached to the glass...I move it and it keeps going back
....almost as stubborn as the wife
I guess I don't want to cut them off the rocks...if I don't have to, and really it would only be about a 10 min. drive to the house...so all in all I am planning about them being without water for 30 min or so. Should I just secure the LR with the coral on it in rubbermaid tubs, and soak them down with water with some kind of tissue paper or something? Or do i need to cut each piece off, and hope they make it, and maybe get some frags outta it?
I guess I should mention I have a mix of zoos, mushrooms, hairy mushrooms, xenia, green star, colt, and a kenya tree.
Those that are not attached to anything that will be bagged are the 2 open brains, and the candy cane. I am just looking for advice as not to have to start over...cuz believe it or not, I think I have over $700 invested with these corals (hard to get in the frozen north of Minnesota...they tend to be spendy
) and I really don't want them to die. Thanks all
Right now I am thinking about getting as much aquarium water as I can into 5 gal jugs (29g aquarium...sooo glad I didn't get a 120

Forget the fish I could care less about them...though I think the wife might be upset if I let them die

I guess I don't want to cut them off the rocks...if I don't have to, and really it would only be about a 10 min. drive to the house...so all in all I am planning about them being without water for 30 min or so. Should I just secure the LR with the coral on it in rubbermaid tubs, and soak them down with water with some kind of tissue paper or something? Or do i need to cut each piece off, and hope they make it, and maybe get some frags outta it?
I guess I should mention I have a mix of zoos, mushrooms, hairy mushrooms, xenia, green star, colt, and a kenya tree.
Those that are not attached to anything that will be bagged are the 2 open brains, and the candy cane. I am just looking for advice as not to have to start over...cuz believe it or not, I think I have over $700 invested with these corals (hard to get in the frozen north of Minnesota...they tend to be spendy