Moving Tank need advice

it's chuck

I need to move my 20L to a different room and I was wondering if I can just take 12-15 gallons and my one big rock ( have ~25lbs in there it's 8 or 9lbs) or is their a chance the bottom will fail and I need to take almost all the water and rock out to safely move it?


I've moved a couple of times with different tanks and for me it was best to take out and save as much water so as not to disturb the sand bed too much. You don't want the sand bed sloshing all over the place.


get some large plastic bins or a big new garbage can, and remove as much water as possible. It'll make it much easier, and safer for the tank.
It's not too hard especially since your just going into another room not another house.
What i did when i moved was used a garbage can, filled it with all the water, then added the fish and inverts. I put the corals into their own tuperwares with some water. Then moved the tank where i wanted it.
Takes a little time, but fairly easy.