moving tank question on cycle


To try and keep my tank from recycling how much of the water do I need to move along with the live rock and filter


As long as the filters/ sytems are the same, there should not be a problem. Look out of LR may have a lot of die off to pollute & cause water levels to spike. Start with weekly water change.


New Member
when i had my 20g reef i moved 3 times, and never had any spike.
I broke down the tank live stock first,
LR i placed in large tupperware containers with aquarium water about half way full.
bottled about 25% about 5 gallons
and left the sand bed with about 1" of water on it.
moved tank, stand
then replaced in reverse order.
it took about 6 hours for the whole process
its a pain in the back also.
but by keeping the LR submerged i had 0 die off
and there for had 0 amm. 0nitrate 0 nitrite spike
so i would say in total i kept about 1/2 the water
oh yes trow your filter media in the water to keep its bacteria alive.
do this and you should have no problems,
good luck!


New Member
also remember to have the new water ready for your tank at its new destination.
salt, declorinated heated ect...


New Member
i moved a 75 from my friend's house to mine back in June. I kept just enough water to keep the filters wet. I added 20 pounds of live sand and bought all new water from the lfs. Within 24 hrs I was fully stocked and have not had a problem since. In my opinion the only part in the cycle process that the water plays is it is what gets pooped and urinated in to start the cycle.


Active Member
No just keep your rock wet and make sure any new water you mix up at your new hourse is the same specific gravity.