moving tank questions


I am planning to move my 55 gallon tank about 7 miles over the weekend to my house. I have read many moving threads but I would like to know if anybody else could give me their .02. I have 4 inch live sand bed, some live rock(getting more once I move), and 2 aggressive fish(done with fish additions). I was thinking about draining my water out into buckets since I heard that it is best to keep at least 60% of your old water. I will then keep just enough water in the tank for the live sand. The fish will be in a smaller tank with a divider. So here are my questions:
Will 2 people be able to carry a 55 gal (glass) tank with sand?
Do I need to put any wood under the whole tank to support the structure to prevent cracking?
Do I need to cycle the tank again or is everything ok?
Once I have the tank set up when do I add the fish?
Anyother suggestions would help greatly.
Thanks for your time and help.


2 people unlss you are very strong are going to have trouble moving a 55 gal with 4 inche of sand. I am not saying that it is not possible, however if you could get 2 more people you would find that you life is MUCH easier. When i moved my tanks, i got as much water traveling with my fish as possible. I moved my lion in a 33 gallon garbage can. so the only suggestion that i would have would be to have as much water traveling with your fish. good luck. moving tanks stinks


Active Member
I went to Home Depot and got 4 33 gal plastic garbage cans. 3 for water and moved my fish in these (with stress coat), and 1 for my lr. I wrapped my lr in newspaper and put no water in the can. As for lifting the tank 2 strong people can move it there really isnt a place for a third until you get to the transport vehicle then a third might come in handy. The tank shouldnt "recycle" but may have a "mini cycle". Restock your tank ASAP! Oh yea, Keep your receipts for the garbage cans so you can return them when your finished with the move, after you rinse and dry them :D ;) <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> .


Great heads up on the return thing! Wow that is good, didn't even think of that! What about the sand? The only reason I wanted to leave the sand in there is because I thought that if you took the live sand out it would increase the die off and creating a cycle. Also, if you put the bottom sand over the top sand doesn't that kill the live sand that was on top? I would like to take the sand out but not if it cost me my live sand. Thanks for the replies.


Active Member
All of the tank moves ive made ive left the substrate in the tank with enough to barely cover it. If youre just goin 7 miles you should be able to ge the entire process done in 30 min to 1 hour...that does not include the catching of the fish <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> . Oh and if they ask you why you want to return the cans, "My wife already got them" works every :D <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


New Member
i moved an 80gal fowlr last weekend and it went well. bought 7 33gals (but didn't think of returning them) and placed the lr and water in them. the fish: 2 blennies, purple tang, & 2 damsels were moved in a trashbag lined rubbermade 7 gal container. two of us were able to move approx 3 inches of sand/gravel to the truck with about an inch of water remaining above the sand line. it was a glass tank and we didn't need wood underneath. it was the second tank i've moved. goodluck