Moving Tank Tomorrow, HELP


I am moving my 30 gal tank home from school tomorrow. I had a lot of problems when I mved it there last year, so I would greatly apprecriate help.
30 gallon tank, 45lbs LR, 20lbs CC, single clown, and few crabs. 2 hour drive plus set up and takedown.
20 gal. water already mixed waiting at home
When I moved last, I kept all LR and CC in water for the two hours, kept fish in 5 gallon buckets, 3 fish per, shelled in a rubbermaid bucket.
Had premixed water ready, no problems with move, days later lost all but the clown and a few crabs.

sinner's girl

do a search, you'll find lots of info.
a little late now, since you're moving tomorrow. you should have started before now. But clean the cc very well, and I mean super well, that's where you'll have a problem...better yet, don't put it back into the tank. Remove the water, and throw out the last little bit out with the cc. the cc traps yucky stuff that gets all mixed up and released during a move, and can cause am/nitrate spike.
did you am spike from the move last time? I would have a qt tank set up at home, acclimate the fish/inverts there. Set up your tank, and test the water...make sure you didn't cause a cycle.
Keep all filter media wet, use as much of the tank water as possible, replacing 20/30 gallons is a bad idea, I wouldn't replace more than 15-20%. So, plan to take all the water with you, you'll lose some though.
Once you set up your tank, I would airate it, and run filter, ph, heater, before adding fish, once the temp and ect is good, acclimate the fish back to the tank. esp if you add 20gl of new water.


i had an ammonia spike a week after the move,
I cant afford to replace the CC, what if i clean it real well, what about preventing the LR from die off, I kept in in water, but the LFS said syrafoam boxes and just keep it moist?

sinner's girl

don't put lr with fish, lr could move and hurt fish, bad idea for moving in a car....
clean the cc super well, or just toss it out and go bare bottom. The cc will be the cause of the spike. (lr, if kept wet, won't (shouldn't) have die off)
The second time we moved the 75gl, we didn't have a problem (at least with died cuase MIL sprayed bug spray all over), the first time (when we bought it) the nitrates were 80 or so. We knew we were taking a chance moving the tank with fish, but it was too good of a deal to pass up, two fish died, damsle lived.
I did have a little instability issues with my ammonia levels though.
That's why I say use as much of the orgianal water as possible
what about preventing the LR from die off, I kept in in water,
yep, just keep it in water. If in doubt, set up tank without lr, keep lr in bucket with ph and heater and test the water, keep an eye out for an ammonia spike...
I would set up the tank with the cc or lr, keeping almost all the orginal water, and keeping all filter media wet.
Then clean cc, rinse it super well, and add it back to tank.


Here is my plan, let me know if i should adjust anything.
Fish going in 1 gallon bags
LR in styrafoam containers with premixed water
CC going to be cleaned when I take it out and put it back in
(should that also be kept in water?)
Filter media kept in ziplock with tank water.
I have the ability to bring about 22 gals of the current tank water, will 8 gal fresh be to much?
Leaving in about an hour


why dont you just lay down a new substrate and get rid of the old cc. Now is the time to add sand to the tank. YOu shouldnt have any ammonia spikes if you lay down a new bed.


I did a move not to long ago, here what I did,
First go out and get sand, clean it up and have it ready for your tank,
Get about 8 5gallon buckets, rinse them out, take out your rocks and put them in the buckets, don't put all of them in 1 bucket, spread them out so you don't damage them, then siphone water from your tank to the buckets with the rocks, leave at least two buckets empty of rocks one for your fish and crabs and one for just water only, stab a couple of holes in the fish bucket, take down all your equipment, put it in a bag, throw away cc and any water that remains, if you wanna keep it then wash it out, when you get home, set everything up, leave components unplugged, put in cc or sand, now you can redo your aquascaping, I did mine the same, after that start siphoning water from the buckets to the tanks, add some of the fresh saltwater you have prepared to fill up the tank, turn on your components, when temp. is good and the substrate has settled and the tank isn't that cloudy anymore, you can add the fish, if you use most of the same water then you don't have to acclimate, if you use all new water then you must acclimate. This took me about 4 hours by myself, but the drive was only 15 minutes, keep a couple of cold beers on hand and you'll have yourself a nice little project to do. If you fish don't come out or don't eat, it's probably cause they think they are in a new system but if everything goes good they should be fine, Good Luck. Oh and expect to get dirty. LOL LOL