Moving tank with LS in it?


New Member
I will be moving in one month and I was wondering if I should take the LS out of the tank or leave it in when moving the tank? It is 40 lbs. of LS in a 38 gallon tank. I believe I have read other places that stirring up the sand bed could cause an ammonia spike, but I am not 100% sure. Any advice would be great!


I have done this myself. here is what I did, buy a piece of 3/4" plywood, cut a piece about 3" longer and 3" wider than your tank. on 3 sides of the plywood screw pieces of 1 x 1 so the tank won't slide off. slide the tank onto the plywood on the one side without the 1 x 1 and carry it on the plywood.
this worked for me with no problems.
good luck:)


I second that. I did the exact same thing with my 65 gallon tank. Bought a piece of plywood, drilled some holes and tied the tank to the piece of plywood. I even left about an inch of water on top of the sand. Although, I did have a buddy of mine give me a hand lifting it. Good Luck


Active Member
It's a tough call. If you move it with sand in it it will be really heavy and you risk damage. If you take it out then you have to restablish your sand bed. I guess I'm saying each way has it's down side.