I noticed no one had responded yet-Moving tanks is such a horrid experience, none of us wants to think about it.
But, there is a way to do it. You need lots of coolers, styrofoam etc.
Ok, keep in mind, you remove in reverse order to how you will put items back in.- mostly-
Be ready to make the move in one fell swoop-allow a full day for the move.
Have a 30 gallon trash can(rubber) of freshly made up saltwater at the new location already aerated and heated to your tanks temperature.
Siphon off as much of your tank water as you can cleanly and keep it.
Remove your live rock and place it in anything it will fit in. This stuff is shipped wrapped in newspapers inside plastic in cardboard boxes. I suggest styrofoam coolers.
Catch your fish and place them into coolers with your tank water in them.
Remove as much of your substrate as you can, again in styrofoam coolers (theyre just easier to work with)
cover it with tank water.
quickly break down all your filters, pumps etc, dumping them in clean water, rinse out your tank and put it all in your van/truck etc.
At the new location, set up the tank, put in your substrate, add the liverock, add your reserved, saved tank water, make sure your heaters are now plugged in and working. Hopefully you did not cool off too much during transit. If its really cold you may need hot packs to move.
Put your fish in now using your old tank water that they transported in. Top off withyour already aerated, heated water that you had ready.
Connect all your filters, pumps etc. and let it all settle down.
Your fish should survive without too much trauma.
If you cant do this quickly, you will ned to utilize some battery powered air pumps in the fish containers.
Have fun.
The easiest way to do this is to buy a new tankand stand for the new location, have water in it already
but that is prett expensive unless you ultimately want two tanks!