Moving Time!


Active Member
Yep, im moving again. But not the previous 2000 miles. Instead just about 10 miles.
So are there any tips on moving a tank not very far?
My plans are to put the Live sand, rock, fish, and coral into a bucket with saltwater were there will be housed there for about an hour or two with an airstone inside while im re setting up the tank.


Well-Known Member
ya ive thought about this because i need to move out of moms and i think setting it all back up is wats gonna be b&^%$. Im hopefully gonna have another tank so i can set it up and let it cycle, than bring the animals over. Get lots of buckets or rubbermaid bins the big ones lol!


I hired an expert to move mine when I moved because I was nervous I was going to break something or do something wrong. He brought over about seven 5-gallon buckets and loaded rock, aquarium water, fish. We loaded up everything into his truck and made the drive. At the new place, he had a commercial size RODI filter and made 30 gallons in about 20 minutes fully mixed and everything. He pumped water in and poured in the old aquarium water too and it didnt take long at all. Fish were all fine. Of course the rockwork looked completely different afterwards, but I liked the new look. I wouldnt worry about an airstone if you are just moving 10 miles.


i recently relocated my 55g tank from oklahoma city to houston and i lost 1 snail and 1 emerald crab in the process, this is how i did it. I got 4 tall water coolers, not like kentwood but like.. gatorade coolers, the kind that construction workers have on the back of their trucks.. with the removeable, screw on/ push on lids, lined them with heavy duty trash bags as a just in case. and 3 "beer" coolers, you know the ice coolers with the lids and insulated.. little drain spout on one side.
i filled up the tall coolers first draining as much water as i could bagging up my corals in the process. once i was pretty low with my water i removed my LR that was not in the sand , i did this so i wouldnt stir up alot of trash plus its alot easier to catch a fish with very little water for him to swim around in lol. i removed my base rock, caught my fish and removed all of my sand b/c i was planning on replacing it all, i wanted to go with a black sand bed and BAM.. tank is now empty, fish are happy they have space and a rock to feel safe. corals all bagged and everything has a handle and a lid.
COOLER#1- I took one of my nice rocks that would not move around in it and i put all my fish in it, filled it with water from my tank.(maroon clown, mandarin. pink bar goby and lawnmower blenny) with the jarring of the water and the rock it got excellent circulation i basically made a 5 gal. cooler into a basic temp nano tank minus the lights.
COOLERS# 2-4 water from my tank and LR
*the tall gatorade type coolers held about 20g of water*
i put a pillow in them and bagged up my corals/ inverts, etc i saved on space by bagging like things together or things that were small and would not damage each other.. like all 3 of my zoa plugs went in the same bag..all together the corals and inverts had about 3-5 gal of water(i used alot of water in the bags and double/ triple bagged most everything
5gal water jugs X 4
(typical ones we prolly all use for water changes and FW top offs), so that gave me another 20 gal
so i ended up with about 43-45 gal of my original tank water,


Well-Known Member
Sry i know its a lot of typing lol but how did u set it all back up???U have to let it cycle a little right or did u use all ur old water and added some kinda like doing a water change i guess lol???


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/385097/moving-time#post_3376256
Sry i know its a lot of typing lol but how did u set it all back up???U have to let it cycle a little right or did u use all ur old water and added some kinda like doing a water change i guess lol???
thanks for all the info! but i have not started the process yet as i have this whole week to do it. I will post when i start!


Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/385097/moving-time#post_3376256
Sry i know its a lot of typing lol but how did u set it all back up???U have to let it cycle a little right or did u use all ur old water and added some kinda like doing a water change i guess lol???
Naa. no cycling...i threw in my new LS..set it right back up with aprox 48 of the 50 gal that was originally in the tank..... you want to save as much original, CLEAN water as possible..helps with stability..and i lost like 5 gal.. which was not alot i just did a FW top off and its actually lookin a bit better than it did when i took it down lol


Active Member
alright so i did it today! I took down everything and was able to fit all the water, rock, and live stuff in 3 buckets. Then when i got to the new house, the water level isnt as high so my skimmer is not going to skim! Its going to have to stay like that unitl about 4pm tomorow. Hope this does not affect anything!


Active Member
hey there mini man!! seems your ganna be buisy for a couple of days huh?.... I will follow to see how things turn out.


Well-Known Member
buckets with lids!!! o im such a gobber i didnt even think of that...did u have to pay for the lids or did they come with the buckets???


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/385097/moving-time#post_3376708
buckets with lids!!! o im such a gobber i didnt even think of that...did u have to pay for the lids or did they come with the buckets???
at home depot the lids were only 98 cents each. They were right next to the buckets...if not just ask!
And keif, there were only in there for about 30 min so they prob had enough O2!


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Active Member
just given you a hard time.... ya they will be good to go without a skimmer for a couple of days or three.


Active Member
i once had to go "skimmerless" for two days because the pump that fed it broke (or more of, sent electricty through the water)


Well-Known Member

You can go weeks and months without a skimmer, we over skim our tanks. Back in the day when I first started keeping SWF the guru who was teaching me about SW fish tanks said the rule was to run the skimmer for 1 day a month. The skimmer draws out all the coral food you fed the tank. His tank was loaded with huge corals and was 26 years running without a water change. I'm not so brave as to not do water changes but the skimmer is not really something you need to run 24/7.

Now if a power head goes off I panic because good water flow is essential.