Moving with a tank...


So I am going to start a reef tank. My question is this...come june/july I will be moving from va to co. We plan to drive straight and just pass out in rest stops from time to time. I have a expedition so the tank will fit and I have a power inverter in the expedeition if needed. Would live rock/ sand make it in the trip or should I wait until then to set up the tank. I wanted to start now, but got to thinking about it. Fish I would figure would have ahard time....right?


Active Member
Unless you're planning a tank 20 gallons or less, I would definately wait. Moving a tank involves ALOT of work and dedication, not to mention the stress that it puts on the fish and other animals.


I think the smart thing to do would be to wait. But I would probably get impatient and set it up. And then stress when it is time to move.


that is how I feel hahahaha, I can maybe atleast set up the live rock and leave it at that, right?

who dey

Active Member
if your gonna do it, take as much water as you can on your move to avoid re-cycling. buckets ,drums, whattevver