

New Member
I am moving in about a week. I have a 55 gallon tank. I was hoping to drain the tank into a bunch of 5 gallon buckets for the move. However I can not find any anywhere. Any suggestions as to where I might be able to find them, or any other suggestion. I would really appreciate it. Thanks


Home Depot, Lowes, Aco, any paint store will have some like Shewin Williams, Sears, The Great Indoors, something like that should be near you.


Active Member
Maybe you could go to a place where they sell those styrofoam coolers and get some of those. If you live anywhere near a lake or a river where people go fishing you should be able to find something like that.
I have large buckets that I bought from Wal-Mart. I think they were in the automotive section...
How far are you moving? Maybe you could ask someone to "fish sit" your animals while you re-cycle the tank after moving? Might be a pain, but then again, so would moving 55 gallons of water. ;)


New Member
I am only moving a couple of miles away. I plan on moving the tank last so I can just set it up in it's new spot. I just cant find the 5 gallon buckets with the lids that I was planning on using. I search the site for tips on moving. Several people used large trash cans, I might consider this if I cant find anything over the next couple of days. If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know.


You can buy 18 gallon tubs. I think Sterilite makes them. This is what we use to aerate our water in. Bought mine at Wal-Mart.


We used a 55 gal trashcan to move our take about 20 miles. I worked great. Just be sure to tie it down good.


New Member
Go to any construction site that has drywall underway. If you can, try to find the labor forman, slip him $10 -20 and ask him to put drywall compound pails on the side for you. In acouple of days you will have more than you can use. He may be able to have them immediatly. You will have to wash them out! :mad: Just fill them with water and let them sit for a few hours and the compund will come right out with very little work. If you want to save the $ just try going over to the dumpsters. You may get lucky. Hope the move works out ! :)