Mp3 sites

my way

Active Member
Can anyone suggest a good place to download Mp3's. I want to be able to burn to cd's. Any opinions on which is better, pay by song or monthly subscription.


Active Member
Its a website that spiders around for mp3s floating around on college campuses. Just make sure that you have a spyware scanner and virus scanner because you ARE going to get viruses and spyware using this site. All the downloads are free...and illegal.

my way

Active Member
Thanks for the info, but I'm looking for a legit site. I have enough problems keeping my PC running.


Active Member
A few friends of mine are using It is a Russian site so they use virtual credit cards to charge money where it generates a number and links it to your card with a set amount so it is like a one time card. They have never had any problems and they are IT geeks like myself.
You get charged .02 cents per Megabyte so depending on the quality you want is what you pay. Most 128K MP3s will run you about 8 to 10 cents each. You can download AAC if you have an Ipod and many other formats. I'm going to open an account there once I get a credit card that allows "disposable" charging.


Originally Posted by drew2005
iTunes and Napster are good if you want to pay for downloads.

yep they wanted legit sites.

my way

Active Member
With napster are'nt the Mp3's only good as long as you are a subscriber, in other words no burning? The reason I want legit is I don't need to deal with any viruses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Thanks for the info, but I'm looking for a legit site. I have enough problems keeping my PC running.
And musicians have a hard enough time making money as it is.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
And musicians have a hard enough time making money as it is.
Yeah right, with ticket prices for concerts what they are? I'm so sick of overpaid aheletes and celebrities crying about money, Bunch of overpaid crybabies in my opinion. Maybe if cd's were 10 bucks instead of 17 they would'nt have so many problems. And dont get me started on concert ticket prices.......................


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Yeah right, with ticket prices for concerts what they are? I'm so sick of overpaid aheletes and celebrities crying about money, Bunch of overpaid crybabies in my opinion. Maybe if cd's were 10 bucks instead of 17 they would'nt have so many problems. And dont get me started on concert ticket prices.......................
Yes, ticket prices can be ridiculous. You think the musicians are the ones that keep that money?
Nope. Most of them actually live off of the money they get from their record contract. Most don't reallize this is money they also have to pay back to the record label. Until it is paid off, they don't see a dime of sales income. Big reason why there are a lot more independant artists.
After the label gets paid they still have to pay the road crew, booking agency, transportation (themselves and gear) management, and usually the venues keep a chunk too. Record sales... keep about $3 for every $10. The label makes the money. VERY VERY few musicians are seriously rich. Merchandise is where the musicians make their money.
The musicians aren't the ones raping peoples wallets, the labels are.

my way

Active Member
Yeah I agree most aren't rich, they are also the ones nobody's ever heard of. Does Ozzy have any problems paying his bills? And What about the "The kings of greed" Metallica, do you see them driving a regular car or living in 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollar homes, HELL NO They're living in mansions, driving Ferrrari's and Lambo's. I do feel bad for any band or artist stuggling to make it (mostly because it's all image and little or no talent these days), but when then do it does seem they forgot about who it is that got them there, us the fans the guys who work our buts off to see them or buy the cd's. If these people were so worried about there fans getting ripped off, why don't they start their own record companies that charge a reasonable amount for their mucic and concerts. They then would then reap the beniftes of all the profits associated.


Active Member
Metallica, good example of a metal band that forgot their roots. Had they stuck with their original formula of thrash they wouldn't be where they are today, so they started playing a lot of covers and writing radio friendly music and now they have a lot of fans that wouldn't have given their best material the time of day because it's like choosing between Beethoven or Steve Miller.
Ozzy has his wife to thank for making his carreer fly. She is a business oriented person and made all the right decisions that made them rich. Ozzfest has a lot to do with it. The bands on that tour PAY TO PLAY it. Some of them, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The fans are the ones who keep the bands alive, agreed 100%. But like you say, the bands no one has heard of don't make any money. Why are they never heard of? Because the record labels pay radio stations lots of money to play the ones you do hear of. And what's cool? The ones the radio plays. Very few underground bands "make it" in the big time because the majority of music fans aren't music fans, they're pop-culture sheep buying what's put in front of them, because if MTV and the local rock stations play it, it must be what's "in"... and everyone wants to be cool. The entertainment industry is about 80% funded by children. Not adults who see through the marketing BS.
I disagree that there are tons of unknown bands that aren't rich because they are all image, or lack talent. Given there are those bands, they are the one hit wonders who get stuck in your head and drive you insane, and 2 years from now you'll never hear anything out of them again. They are waste of sound frequency. Marilyn Manson... a great example of someone who made a killing off of bad publicity. He is ALL IMAGE. If he looked like Weezer, no one would have ever cared, no one would have ever bought his crap.
Kiss, they suck in my opinion, not really suck, just mediocre, but they have figurines, t-shirts, lunch boxes, and any other novelty item you can imagine, plus an IMAGE that was different from anything else in their era, so they are loaded with money.
Take into consideration, yes, it is the fans who got them where they are. It is also the fans that accepted the ticket prices, continued to pay them, and made the industry leaders rich. So, if I charge you $15 to watch a 45 minute set, and you pay it, why would I charge less? It's not smart business.
One of my closest friends is in a band that got picked up by a major label, Roadrunner Records. Their album comes out in March. They got $400,000 to record, distribute, promote, and purchase equipment with. Jeremy, my friend, however still works as a maintenance guy at some apartments, and he doesn't have any money. They may tour with Nickelback next summer, maybe not. No word yet. They are Faktion. Look them up on MySpace. Very talented. Very capable of having several radio hits. Very capable of becoming rich. Very in touch with what got them their success, their fans. All in 2 years of forming the band.
Record labels make gambles by signing artists and giving them contract money. If the artist sinks, the label sinks. They use alternate methods to make back their money, because believe it or not, they actually pay the artists that don't make money to leave their label. Mariah Carey got dumped from her last label and took $2,000,000 with her on the way out. She shouldn't have tried to go ghetto. Her true fans weren't ghetto, but hey, all the hype with pop-music these days is ghetto, so why not try it?
You wouldn't believe how easy it is for a mult-million dollar label to go bankrupt, almost overnight.
I personally hate the music industry because of how IMAGE based it is.
If Rosie O'Donnel sang like Mariah Carrie do you think her carreer would fly? Doubtful.
If the Backstreet Boys were fat and ugly do you think they'd be rich? Yeah what 13 year old girl is going to put that poster on her wall....
If Slayer wore pink Pokemon T-shirts do you think the

metal fans would dig them? It wouldn't matter what they sounded like, no one would attend their show.
If MTV wasn't raking in the cash from having tons of viewers, do you think CMT would still model its own broadcasting after MTV?
Entertainment has a cookie-cutter design to it, and we have allowed this to happen because we continue to pay the industry.
The music industry sucks, but they keep getting richer and richer, all because the fans accept it and pay for it. We could stop paying, but that would just mean the artists would be going back to their day jobs, only creating the music we enjoy listening to in their own homes, like the rest of us poor struggling musicians.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Yeah I agree most aren't rich, they are also the ones nobody's ever heard of. Does Ozzy have any problems paying his bills? And What about the "The kings of greed" Metallica, do you see them driving a regular car or living in 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollar homes, HELL NO They're living in mansions, driving Ferrrari's and Lambo's. I do feel bad for any band or artist stuggling to make it (mostly because it's all image and little or no talent these days), but when then do it does seem they forgot about who it is that got them there, us the fans the guys who work our buts off to see them or buy the cd's. If these people were so worried about there fans getting ripped off, why don't they start their own record companies that charge a reasonable amount for their mucic and concerts. They then would then reap the beniftes of all the profits associated.
You also forget that these rich artists you speak are also the ones you see on commercials, magazine covers, televised events and product packaging. Their faces help increase viewers and customers, and for this they get paid a lot.

my way

Active Member
"I disagree that there are tons of unknown bands that aren't rich because they are all image, or lack talent."
I didn't mean the unknowns, I was talking about the no talent Brittneys , Jessicas, Justins and the like.


Active Member
Unfortunately, yes, they suck, but they are however rich. I wouldn't really say that they don't have talent, but they are cookie-cutter artists. A dime a dozen.
Back to the subject at hand, I've used iTunes and MSN Music and both are pretty cool. You can find a lot of unreleased material you've never heard by artists you like. Only problem is iTunes is not compatible with Windows Media Player and vice versa. has a lot of popular musicians on it, as well as their music, but a lot of them aren't downloadable unfortunately. It's also a great place to find good new music.
If you like metal, give my band a listen. or my friends band Faktion