Mr. Salty!!! Think I found your hybrid tang!


Mr. Salty!!! I'm positive now that i've found it. Is your hybrid tang a hybrid of an archilles tang and a white face tang? If so i've found it. It's labeled Hybrid-archilles, and white face tang. I'll email you the site.


New Member
Yes, Mr Salty. The one I picked up is same exact except the body color is the same as the top and lower fin of the pic you posted. And as with this one there isn't a teardrop marking on the body. I took pictures today. Now I have got to get them developed and scanned. I hope the pics i took show the electric blue line on the edges of it upper and lower fin. We'll see.
Steve, like I said before without even seing a pic, I assumed it was a fish I have seen before, and it is as I thought it was, a powderbrown-achilles hybrid tang. I have seen them awhile before this post was started. They are very rare and extremely difficult to keep. I don't know why nobody will respond to my post. Will someone please fill me in as to were this fish is available at what price, etc. Do you own this fish Steve, if so when and where did you get it? I feel like this post is some sort of insider thing only, and I think we should make the info, pics, where to get it, etc available to everyone if possible. Thanks, Jolly


I found one place online that has a hybrid tang, but I don't think it's the one your talking about. They called it a Achilles Powder Grey tang hybrid, it was $350, but it was sold. Here's a pic:

For the last time, will the person who bought this fish (from what I can tell from the posts it's Justyn), please fill me and everyone else in as to what is going on with this post, where this fish you speak of is for sale, how much does it cost, etc, etc, etc. I have asked two times now for someone(mainly MR Salty and the person who bought the fish) to fill me in and they seem to not be willing to hand out this info for some reason or another. Lisa was nice enough to at least mention that Mr.Salty is looking for the fish, but that's it. I am not getting pissy, I'm just wondering why noone will just read my post, and then answer the questions. Thank you, Jolly :confused:
hey, jollygreen i have a great link for you .I belive its where mr.salty got his pic.a little bit of info on the fish,and the same pic.its also a great site.mail me your adress and ill send it to ya.


jolly this is whats up:
- Mr.Salty has been looking for this fish
-He says money is no object (lol mr salty)
-TopFish has apparently found the same fish.
-The estimated price he has for now is about $75
-He saw it at his local lfs which we dont know the name of
-Topfish is trying to post a picture
-Then mr.salty will see if it is the tang.
-If it is mr.salty will be happy and pay through the nose (just jokin mr salty, hope you CAN get it and for a good price)
-we also know/ think this fish is from around hawaii.
Hope this helps
Flame :D :D :D

mr . salty

Active Member
Good job explaining that flameangel.I also hope it's not much over $100.Even I have my limits.Although Christmas is comming soon,(bonus from work) I need a new set of tires for my GTI.....


Mr. Salty did you get my e mail? I put the site in it. That site doesn't have a pic though. You can email them, and post the pic, and they'll tell you if it's the fish I bet.


Mr. Salty i have a site to show you. What is your e-mail the one the bottom of your posts didnt work for me.


i live in Normal, if you live by me i usually go to Pet supply center, its a prety good pet store and less chances of disease because they have most of the fish their in tanks with copper. They are a little more expensive though but they have the knowlege about the fish. Also i sometimes go To Marine Aquatics, but they are not as good. I will be going to that one in champaign this weekend just to look around, i cant remember the name of it though, i think it was like sailfin something.
Originally posted by Justyn:
<STRONG>Yes, Mr Salty. The one I picked up is same exact except the body color is the same as the top and lower fin of the pic you posted. And as with this one there isn't a teardrop marking on the body. I took pictures today. Now I have got to get them developed and scanned. I hope the pics i took show the electric blue line on the edges of it upper and lower fin. We'll see.</STRONG>
Justyn, I guess you are the one that bought this fish, so can you email me the pics you took of the one you bought and tell me where you bought it, how much, etc, etc. I saw this fish about a year ago when I first got into the hobby and new I had to have it, but I quickly found out, that it isn't really a fish you can buy, unless you just happen to get lucky and find one somewhere. I would appreciate pics of your fish, any other pics that were not posted in this discussion, and the rest of the info I asked about above. Also, let me know how the fish is doing and about it's behavior (what size is your tank, what other fish, water parameters, etc). Preciate it, Jollygreen.
[ November 06, 2001: Message edited by: jollygreen68 ]