Mr. Ugly Fish

you must only have ever seen the common scorpians, there are more out there but very rare, mine isn't like his but similar in body shape 2nd one in the US, it is a scorpian


Active Member
Just to let you know, I have learned ALWAYS research a fish before you buy it. I just got back from taking a fish to the local aquarium. It is a Beautiful fish that I bought on impulse at the lfs about 6 months ago. Then I found this site a learned about researching a fish. It turns out that this fish looks cmpletely different as an adult. It also grows to about 18" long. Way too big for my 60 gallon tank. I decided to donate it to the aquarium rather than return it to the lfs and have someone make the same mistake that I did. Not good for the fish. I also had to take out all of my rocks to catch the sucker.
Also you have just found out that you bought a poisonous fish.
Off my soapbox.
just because you had a bad experience on impulse buying doesn't mean the rest of the world does, obviously he didn't buy on impulse if he's seen the fish in the store for a long time and what's wrong with poisinous, I keep poisinous things too
if I buy a fish and find out later that he'll grow too large, I'd just buy a tank for it, no big deal
You don't have to put others down for buying things they haven't researched, there are a lot of fish out there with barely any information
IMO I think that fish of his is pretty ugly but cute and intresting in it' s very own way and that's reason enough to buy it


I don't thinks its ugly, just another facinating creature that nature has to offer! If I had a tank big enough I am sure I would enjoy its behavior and giving it a stress free enviornment.
PS: I love looking at my tanks under actinics. I thought I would love to have a SW tank because of all the colorfull fish. I find my tanks in actinic mode to be much more stimulating. Therefore I think you have an attractive fish there.


Active Member
firefishspike, the only one putting people down is u... everyone else is trying to make a point. He may not have made an impulse buy but he made a bad choice. You are telling me that him seeing the fish for a month and not bothering to research it... he had quite a long time... and then buying it not even knowing what it eats is a grand idea? I will tell you this, yes people do impulse buy... it happens all the time but... BUT... you need to learn from it. If you are not willing to learn from ur mistakes, or use other's mistakes to keep from making ur own that you have enough to worry about with ur own life talk about caring for others.
And no there is nothing wrong with buying a poisonous fish, but some reason i feel it is important for the buyer to know that... thank you scott.
Also, Scott, that was a very noble thing u did. Alot of people have money and entertainment on their mind rather than what is best for the fish. And you had a great not critical point.
And I find it funny that u didn't reply to my question: is ur fish eating... i believe we have identified it and now am curious if he is doing well.
Please remember that there arn't enough mistakes in this world for one person to learn from. It's a joint effort.
Also, firefishspike, u know as well as me that A) not all people can't afford bigger tanks... B) I am really curious how many times ur fish outgrew ur tank and u grandly purchased a new safe environment... C) You should try not to move ur fish from tank to tank as much as possible.
if the fish store has had him for a month+ they can tell him what it eats right? I mean I'm pretty sure they would tell him that atleast. Yeah you're right that people should do research to know their fish better, I've learn so myself......but sometimes their is just that "one" fish....I've only had a FW fish outgrow a tank but I knew that, but I wasn't going to put a 2 inch fish in a 200 until it got bigger, I've never had a problem with buying a larger tank for my fish, when I feel like I need bigger...I go bigger....okay so not everyone can just jump up and buy a tank, but when you buy the weird fish at the store you can come home and research it if you want to, I've posted on here before because I bought an unknown fish too, but I found out for myself what it was like a few days later after the post
anyway, I'm just blabbing, what I'm trying to say is that if someone comes on this bord and ask others what his fish is, he doesn't need a lecture about his irresponsibility he just wants to know what it is


Active Member
Good point, but only if you stated that in the beginning. THe only reason i started to move my fingers was because of the quote: It's my fish. Been hanging around the LFS a long time and I was tired of seeing it there.
That to me is probably the worst reason to buy a fish. What happens if this fish eats all his others? No, it's not his problem... it's the fishes which is a big deal.
Yes you are right... but once again if he went around a better way and let people just say: wow u should have researched a bit more before buying hte fish... instead of completely saying i don't care what u think i don't need to research and blah blah blah... things would have ended up quite differently.
My point is, learn from mistakes my friend... otherwise ur going to go no where. Everyone knows impulse buying is the top thing on not to do list, and yes it happens... but when u know ur doing it and really don't care than.... (i hope that mistakes... i also think i'm through)
Oh, and i would hope the lfs would tell him what it eats, that's why i asked... but his lack of not replying worried me...


Gee this has been an amazing post. I (she, btw) have found out many beautiful things from you people. First of all, I have wanted this fish since the first time I saw it at LFS, and I guess I was just lucky enough that noone bought it before my tank was ready for it. I had an ammonia problem with my tank and I learned to be patient(from this site),after losing $$ fish, THANK YOU. Now that my tank was ready for a fish I wanted I got the SCORPIONFISH that had STILL been at my LFS. LFS told me this fish was not aggressive because it had been in tank with many other fish, just a little docile and shy. Since I have had this fish, it is eating brine shrimp, and this will amaze everyone, It changes colors. My son looked at in real early in the A.M. the other day and it was white and he stood there and watched it change back!! How's that for different? Thank all of you for your input. I LOVE THIS SITE!!~:)


Active Member
OOPS, looks like I started something, and then was not around to see it happen. Let me say this in my defense?
1. That is one of the coolest looking fish that I have ever seen. I like odd looking fish. One of the reasons that I got in the hobby.
2. There is nothing wrong with having a poisonous fish. Howere at the time she was holding the bag she did not know it was poisonous. Since I am the safety guy at work I have to think about what would have happened to her if she had touched one of the spines. Now she knows to be more careful and wear gloves when around that fish. (p.s. I recommend wearing gloves anytime you put your hand in the tank)
3. Sorry if it sounded like I was lecturing her (I guess the dad in me comes out sometimes). I was just trying to make the point that I learned on this board. Always research everything before you buy it. I wish someone had told me that when I started out. I listened to the lfs too many times.
4. OK this was not an impulse buy in the true sense of the word. However I guess I would say more of an unresearched buy.
Sorry if this post is coming across as harsh as well. Just going off the top of my head.
So let's end it on a good note. A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey you, why the long face?":p


Active Member
StactyT is is the Longspine Waspfish Paracentropogon longispinus...
Eats marine fish and crustacean foods aid in initiating feeding...
Max size 4.7 inches
Range Indo-west-Pacific
Recommended minimum aquarium size 20 gallons must be a not to active fish...
Threat to bottom dwelling fish and ornamental crustaceans...hides out during the day/lighting period...needs places to hide in...venomous...
As for these other posts you are reading..toss em aside like a bad habit...many folks here are more interested in chastizing then offering help...
A recommendation should consider researching each and every specimen you buy prior to purchasing it...don't place 100% confidence in the person selling your the fish either...first hand knowledge is the best way to go and it sets you on track to a more joyful pet ownership position...
Cool looking fish though...
All information researched and obtained from the Marine Fishes Pocket Expert Guide by S.W. Michael
A very handy book to have along for any trip to the fish store for those emergency "gotta have it purchases"...


It's been a year now, and my UGLY fish is still thriving. I like to sit and just watch him stare back at me with those glassy eyes. He is in my 90 gallon reef, and doesn't bother anyone. He does stay down towards the bottom. I found this picture and it is a Longspine Waspfish. Check out this picture.