mr.yellow tang's diet?


Any recommendations on what a yellow tang might go for? My other fish dig the marine flake blend, but Mr. Tang, while happily swimming about, has eaten most of the brown algae.
I also have a couple blue damsels and a tomatoe clown, and they love the flakes. I want to add variations to all their diets, and make sure there is something left for my crab. There is quite a variety of foods at the local *****, and was hoping for some suggestions on a menu for my hungry friends. Is their something like a frozen algae that might benefit Mr. Tang? I don't want anybody to go hungry, and brand names would help.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
you can get algea sheets. and be on the lookout the tang police might are going to say something about you having a tang in a 35 gallon


a 3 inch tang in a 35 gallon tank is fine... just know when it's time for him go go back to the lfs for a bigger home.. LOL


Active Member
i wasnt saying i disliked him having it in there... i dont feel i got any say in what fish someone should have. i personally dont have any fish yet. but i really like tangs so im going to put either a kole tang or a yellow tang in my 55.. to be honest any "tank" is small compared to the ocean they were living in.. i was just saying the tang police might harrass you a bit :)


Active Member
or should i say i probably will.. my tank isnt running yet so i can really say what fish i will have.


I'll keep an eye on mister tang! My dream is to get a 70 gallon, and eventually use my 35 gallon as the QT! Thanks all for the imput.


New Member
Go ahead kip, say what you had on your mind because it is not known by the newbies. I also wanted to add a yellow tang in the future.


Active Member
In order to keep their color nice and bright, they need Spirulina as a main part of their diet. You can get Spirulina flakes. I feed mine those, and supplement with some frozen brine as well...(yes, my yellow tang eats brine.)
I fed algae sheets for a while, and mostly they just made a mess in my tank. I don't feed algea anymore. The spirulina keeps that tang looking nice and healthy.


Well-Known Member
simple. Live macros and other plants. I culture caulpera prolifera in another tank. And each week add some to my display. additionally Ulva and gracilaria are all eagerly devoured by my tang. Plus the live food does not increase the bioload but actually help maintain ideal tank conditions. Maenwhile the tang is constantly grazing.


I hear ya all. This did not have much of an appetite the first couple days, but now his hunger has grown.
I dig the response on the tank size. I do not have anything but fish in my tank, but still recognize tangs need more room than a 35. My other fish are smaller, but Mr. Yellow Tang don't bully.
For now, he seems pretty happy.
Again, I respect and thank for the imput.