MTV's Oddities... "The Head"


I know im not the only teenager here so i was wondering if anyone else remembers this show. It was on in the 90s sometime (cant remember the year exactly) but it was called "The Head" on MTV's oddities. It was basically a really odd show abou this guy that has really huge head and his messed up friends. One guy had a lawnmower blade in his head... It was atually quite entertaining (or maybe it was just my preteen mind) lol
Kinda like watching beavis and butthead and ren & stimpy. really screwed up shows but extremely entertaining when you dont understand what they are talking about.
Of course this is before MTV got lame and started with Real World and all theother crappy non-music related bull sh*t they air.
I wanted to know if anyone has seen a copy of the episodes on VHS or DVD anywhere It woudl be cool to see them agian.


are you familiar with torrents?
anyway if you are has 2 of them they are like 1.4 gig though lol
and has 1 but I think they are locked unless you donate


yeah ive used torrents but they are a pain in the balls.. i really dont like them Ive tried Bittorrent but didnt really like it... got any suggestions?


just downloaded bitlord and havent been able to start the downloads yet.... idk why. I have broadband so files that big arent too bad ill try that one though


ah... dam... i got this error message:
Torrent deleted or not in pool yet. go to demonoind(dot)com and read the FAQ for more information.
and this is the FAQ entry for it:
What is this " Go to" error I keep getting?
It means the torrent is not being tracked by Demonoid anymore, because it was deleted by its owner of by a site moderator. Please try using the torrent search to find a similar torrent.
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so apparently the link is broken and the files are no more...
Thanks anyway though


hey bro I got it going lol.....
had to go to and sign up for a free account then click on the link in the confirmation mail
then go to their site and click on torrents and at the top of the screen there is a checkbox for mtv cartoons other click that and click search and it will be a couple down in the list
I got that one and it works
it is d/ling now I know its a paint but It works and I don't remeber it but I'm gonna check it out

in azureus it will come up as mtv oddities the head mhh
thats the one that works


Sweet.... Got it going.... Granted its only 22 Kb/s but its worth waiting for....
I cant wait.
I went to myspleen and registered and it worked. That makes me so happy i havent seen these in forever. I was looking for some VH1 illustrated episodes too


:mad: This reminds me of trying to download stuff on dial-up......
its at 88% but it took 3 days... Its like P2P filesharing... Everyone wants to download, but noone wants to stay on long enough to upload and share the file and return the favor... Its more like file-taking than sharing...