mud filters


I am making a mud filter for my 55 gal. and my neighbor is going to help. He already has one that is up and running on his aquarium. I am going to make it from a 10 gallon and some plexi-glass(I hope it's spelled right), but I don't know much else about it.
Do I need a certain type of sylicon that is non-toxic to the tank? Where can I get some of the mud fot it? Besides this filter do I need any others? Am I going to eventually have to change the mud?
I've also heard that with the mud filter, you do not have to do water changes for at least a month or so, rather than every two weeks. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
When I built a simple filter box, I used a plastic household cement to glue the peices together. sillcone would not stick whereas the housold glue effectively melted the arcylic and therefore welded the peices together.
No familiar with mud in mud filters as I have never used.
Many people report not doing water changes for months and years even though they do not use mud filters.
To glue acrylic together you need a product called weld-on,I use weld-on #16 and #4.Water changes are'nt needed as often for a fo system as they are for a reef system.


Active Member
I used a plastic household cement to glue the peices together.
Personally, I would not use this. All glue I have seen to use will say "aquarium safe". This may leach stuff in the tank at a later time.
Weld-on is safe. That is what the manufacturers use.
I have never used mud. But I have read they will need to be changed. Not sure of the life span of mud. But you are searching so good for you.
Not sure on the water changes, my guess is sinse you need to change the mud, it must act like a sponge soaking up nutriants from the system. Before they leach back out, you change the mud. Makes sense, but again, it's only a guess.
I would like to know, so when you find out come back and let us know.