Muliple Frog fish?


Im wondering if I could keep 2 Frogfish in a 75 gal together. If so would it be better to have the same spcie of should I have two different kinds? Im thinking bout ordering from this site so it appears I'd only be able to get the Zebra. Would that limit me to only one?


another quick question. If I cant keep 2 of them, what other critter could I keep in the 75 with one?

it's chuck

I have not personally kept a frogfish, but I am not aware of anything that would keep you from keeping two together. I'll be keeping an eye on the thread maybe I'll learn something new


Active Member
Fish you keep with frogfish should be at least 1 and 1/2 times bigger than the angler. If they are both the same size, one is going to try to eat the other at same point. That is unless you get a mated pair.....then size doesn't even matter.


Active Member
The chances of getting a mated pair is not likely. For one, you can't tell male from female.
And, Cranberry is right, to some extent...anything bigger than themselves is "not likely" to be eaten, but you'd be surprised.
Anglers don't have good common sense when it comes to "hey, that fish looks alot bigger than me, I better not eat it!"
Anglers will commonly eat fish, much bigger than they can handle. If things go right, the Angler will expunge then fish. If things don't go right (which happens more often than not), the Angler will die.


Well I picked up a "green" angler at a lfs today. Im being a little risky and not QTing him. Three reasons for this: 1-QT is being used right now. 2-He's the Only fish going in the tank. 3-the store is very reputable, I've never had a problem with anything I've ever gotten from there.
I do have a question-I aslo picked up a strawberry hermit while I was there. My thoght where that it's plenty big enough to not be thought of as food-do I need to worry that it may look at my angler as food? The angler is about almost 4"s and the crab is about the same (alot bigger if you include the shell).


I'll post some pics in few days-once the new guys a little more comfortable. He's just hiding behind a rock. The strawberry hermit went right to work digging through the sand happily munching away. The hermit has three anemones growing on his shell. They dont look like aptasia or mojano. Hopefully someone can identify them for me (once I post pics that is


my angler eats damsels...he/she is still very young but no bigger than a large damsel and he swallows them whole...just to give you an idea.
hopefully as he grows i can get him to eating krill and away from the 5-7$ fish lol...good luck!
ps...mine acts like an he just floats in the water with out using any fins...and actually jumps up fast and comes down slow.
just amazing fish to watch!


Active Member
sweet..can't wait to see ur pics...i was thinkin about getting a wartskin angler but went with a fuzzy dwarf instead ...i have pics in the nano forum...still tryin to feed her frozen stuff..but shes eatin live shrimp with no problem....