The multiple center outlet you mentioned would not be safe if you are planning on using all outlets at the same time and exceeding the 15 amp standard that your wall outlet is rated for. This would cause you recepticle to fail. It is probally connected to a 20 amp circuit breaker and also providing current to other outlet in you home, which is also a standard practice. Calculate what amperage you'll be using if all your equipment is running, then you'll know if a multi outlet would work. The main reason that the regular multioutlets list not to use with aquariums is because they all tend to fail when sitting around a lot of humidity and moisture. For instance, in time, if mounted under the tank above the sump, they will eventually rust and fail. I place mine as far away from the sump as possible. Remember to form a drip line area in the cords in the event that water flows down the cords. HTH