

Just a quick question,
Can you keep multiple tobies in the same tank? For example the honeycomb and valentini?


Active Member
Same species tobies can be kept with each other, but different species may fight. I have seen it done successfully before, but just take caution if you were to attempt it.


You can try, but it's kind of risky though. Unlike their Arothron counterparts, they resent the presence of other fellow tobies. Considering the fact that they're well known nippers, they can do some serious damage to one another. But, this also depends upon what species you're talking about. I've kept valentini and benetti together with no problem, but whenever I try to mix them with either solandri or jactator, they would just fight like crazy. So it's up to you. You'll have a better luck with more peaceful species.


so what specis would you consider peaceful? You mentioned valentini but what about honeycomb?


Valentini is definitely one of the most peaceful tobies. Honeycomb is usually more aggressive than valentini, but not as bad as jactator (Hawaiian Spotted). Interestingly tobies with spot markings tend to be more aggressive. I can't really tell you for sure which species will live together peacefully since this depends on individual's personality. You never know what's going to happen unless you try it. I'm sure your LFS has a return policy. If they seem to get along fine, then congratualtions... if they don't, can always return it, right? Hope this helps.


Active Member
They are spotted to warn other fish that they are bad mofos, lol. I think thats it. So yer saying that a valentini and a spotted arent good together?