Multiple Damsels


New Member
I have a question about Damsels…
Despite the fact that damsels are really aggressive when it comes to defending territories, I had heard that if there is not enough territory available, the damsels do not fight. A good example are petstores that overstock their tanks with damsels. I’ve seen up to 30 blue damsels in a 50 gallon tank, and not one picked on each other. Granted the petstore does daily water changes to prevent bio overload, but the tank community seems to be doing very well. Can this be done at home as well?


Active Member
In theory yes, but ethically, no.
It's not just about daily water changes. Preventing the fish from establishing a territory is a matter of necessity for the pet store, but attempting to do so by intentionally crowding is going to stress the animals apart from the direct environmental factors. The pet store does it on a temporary basis, as the animals don't stay in their systems for long.
Damsels and all heavily territorial fish need a place to call their own. Failing to provide this by forcing unnatural conditions stresses the fish and will ultimately lead to catastrophic failure.


New Member
I understand. It's the same situation as most saltwater displays in local businesses. They don't really care about the health of the fish over the apperance. Rather, if a fish dies in the tank, it is quickly replaced by the company that set the display up in the first place. I don't agree with that either.
Thanks for the thoughts.