Multiple displays one filter


Does anyone have multiple display tanks that are piped back to one filtration system? Can we see some pictures of the tanks and the filtration and piping?


Active Member
I thought about doing this with my two eel tanks, putting them in a central location (take up about a whole wall) with a large shared filtration/sump/'fuge.
The only warning I have, and the reason I didn't do it, is that contaminants can then move between tanks. If one tank is ever infected or polluted by something, it will quickly move between the tanks, potentially causing problems in both tanks.
I've never had a tank "crash" and should I ever, i don't want it to be two. Good idea though, I may still do it eventually, just a little added risk.
Igot the skimmer from custom aquatic. At first I was also worried about the two tanks being connected but now that it is up and running it's just like having one big tank but with the benifits of both an aggressive and reef tank. The worms and pods have just exploded in the reef side and in the refuge. I am having a little problem with algae on the aggressive side but I knew I would until I get some different metal halide bulbs and the tanks get settled in. Plus I need more rock, crabs and snails. I will be adding more pictures this weekend.
I gave 325 for it. It is a generic euro reef. A lot cheaper but built the same. It works better than any other skimmer I have seen or used. The stuff it pulls out is black at times. It's very efficient. I'd recommed it and buy it all over again.