I'm new to the board and to the hobby in general and have had a hell of a time with this so far. I have a 55 gallon tank as you'll see in the pic below. This pic was taken shortly before a major disaster wherein both my anenomes died within 24 hours (one just died, one sucked into the powerhead). Consequently all the fish died except the yellowtail damsels, who seem to be indestructible. The guy at my LFS joked that they'd live in your intestine if you only drank salt water daily!
Anyway, after a few major disasters of this calibre I decided it was time to ask some questions.
1. First off, my LFS told me I don't need a protein skimmer for this size of tank. Is that right, because everything I've read seems to indicate oitherwise? I've done quite a bit of reading already, unfortunately most of it was after my major disasters so the knowledge gained was only beneficial in retrospect for those poor fish.
2. How much flow do I need in a tank this size with next to 100 lbs of live rock? I've got 1 powerhead turning over 300 gph and another turning over 160 gph with my biowheel filtration unit turning over 120 gph (I think). It seems like I get a lot of sediment settling on my LR and a lot of "dead spots". I don't think I have enough flow but my calculation indicate that this turns over the volume of my tank over 10 times an hour. How much is too much flow?
3. Third, how much light do I need? I want to raise all manner of corals eventually and tridacnid clams as well. I have 4X65 watt power compact right now and I have an order submitted online for 2X175 watt metal halide as well. Is this "too much"? Or is there even such a thing?
4. Fourth, anyone have any experience with the large hermits pictured below? I got two of them to help stay on top of the algae but it seems like they want to eat or destroy everything else in the tank and I'm in the process of making a smaller second tank but it's not ready yet. (they'll be the first things to go in there when it's finished though, buggers!).
And I'll save this for last because I know after doing all my recent reading that I'm going to get some flames for this - my tank has only been setup for 3 months give or take a couple of weeks. Anyway, please be gentle with me - I'm learning!!!
Anyway, after a few major disasters of this calibre I decided it was time to ask some questions.
1. First off, my LFS told me I don't need a protein skimmer for this size of tank. Is that right, because everything I've read seems to indicate oitherwise? I've done quite a bit of reading already, unfortunately most of it was after my major disasters so the knowledge gained was only beneficial in retrospect for those poor fish.

2. How much flow do I need in a tank this size with next to 100 lbs of live rock? I've got 1 powerhead turning over 300 gph and another turning over 160 gph with my biowheel filtration unit turning over 120 gph (I think). It seems like I get a lot of sediment settling on my LR and a lot of "dead spots". I don't think I have enough flow but my calculation indicate that this turns over the volume of my tank over 10 times an hour. How much is too much flow?
3. Third, how much light do I need? I want to raise all manner of corals eventually and tridacnid clams as well. I have 4X65 watt power compact right now and I have an order submitted online for 2X175 watt metal halide as well. Is this "too much"? Or is there even such a thing?
4. Fourth, anyone have any experience with the large hermits pictured below? I got two of them to help stay on top of the algae but it seems like they want to eat or destroy everything else in the tank and I'm in the process of making a smaller second tank but it's not ready yet. (they'll be the first things to go in there when it's finished though, buggers!).
And I'll save this for last because I know after doing all my recent reading that I'm going to get some flames for this - my tank has only been setup for 3 months give or take a couple of weeks. Anyway, please be gentle with me - I'm learning!!!