Multiple triggers


Depends on the type, what else is in the tank, what size the tank is. A lot of them are compatible, although nothing is 100%.

the dude

New Member
Heres the info: Its a 90 gal. with wet/dry. Picasso trigger. Anticipated rectangular trigger. cinnamon clown.
I have a Picasso he was in a 30 gallon with a pork puffer, the Picasso chased the puffer around and was very aggressive. I then put the puffer in the 100 gallon and soon after but the trigger in, surrounding him with angels, tangs a parrot and a grouper and I think he has learned his lesson. There are no other triggers in that tank but it seems to get along with most others.
Originally posted by The Dude:
Heres the info: Its a 90 gal. with wet/dry. Picasso trigger. Anticipated rectangular trigger. cinnamon clown.