mushroom coral ID plz (pic)


Active Member
Guess for you as the pictures are blurry
"True Blue Mushrooms" Actinodiscus sp.
They look good. They are very easy to keep. What kind of lighting do you have over them? They don't need much as far as light, and enjoy little bits of fish food, brine shrimp and such. They can be fast growers, and can take over neighbors if not kept in check.


Active Member
What are those systems rated at watt wise? I would recommend as you really don't have great lighting, that be the first step for you, upgrade your lighting then adding anything more then a mushroom or zoa's (And some of those will struggle under you lighting system).

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMO they are Actinodiscus Mushrooms These corals display a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns. Some are solid colors, whereas, others are striped or spotted.
In general, they need a medium light level and a low to medium water flow they are semi-aggressive and require adequate space between themselves and other corals. Below is a pic I just took as you can see I keep mine on the substratum.


Active Member

IMO they are Actinodiscus Mushrooms These corals display a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns. Some are solid colors, whereas, others are striped or spotted.
In general, they need a medium light level and a low to medium water flow they are semi-aggressive and require adequate space between themselves and other corals. Below is a pic I just took as you can see I keep mine on the substratum.

Yup, thought I said that in post #3...... :rotfl:
Thx for the conformation joe :laughing:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///t/388707/mushroom-coral-id-plz-pic#post_3429663
Guess for you as the pictures are blurry
"True Blue Mushrooms" Actinodiscus sp.
They look good. They are very easy to keep. What kind of lighting do you have over them? They don't need much as far as light, and enjoy little bits of fish food, brine shrimp and such. They can be fast growers, and can take over neighbors if not kept in check.
Yellow is my guess as to what it was specifically, due to the blurry.
Red was the positive species
Originally Posted by florida joe http:///t/388707/mushroom-coral-id-plz-pic#post_3429973
IMO they are Actinodiscus Mushrooms These corals display a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns. Some are solid colors, whereas, others are striped or spotted.
In general, they need a medium light level and a low to medium water flow they are semi-aggressive and require adequate space between themselves and other corals. Below is a pic I just took as you can see I keep mine on the substratum.

Red once again looks vaguely familiar......
Originally Posted by florida joe
so you think his mushrooms are true blues ????? which is what you said in post # 3

Red is what I was talking about.....
Yellow was all guess/thinking..... guilty as charged
I usually don't throw species out like that, but as I didn't know specific color or pattern due to blurry, I stated species, cause I knew what it was....... (Hey this is a moral victory for me......
, really meaningless any other way, cause we both said the same thing.)