Mushroom Coral Not Opening??


New Member
Hello all!
Our mushroom corals aren't opening up like they should be. I'm not sure what is goin on.

30 g tank
30" HO T5 / Marineland reef capable LED 24"
30 lbs of live rock
2 clownfish
cleaner shrimp
peppermint shrimp
watchman goby
2 turbo snails
haitian anemone - ALL DOING GREAT!
Also, a Reactor with BRS Bio pellets which keeps nitrates right around 0ppm - 3ppm
Water Params are:
Temp: 75.6
PH: 8.2
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: < 5
Phospate: < 0.25
Could it be the phosphates?
Thats all the test kits that I use. Do i need more kits? if so what should i be testing for?ery
Any help would very helpful


How long have you had them? When did they quit opening all of the way? Have you moved them or changed the lighting?


New Member
We've had the small purple mushroom for 6 months and we switched tanks about 3 months ago. he did get knocked off a rock a couple times by a snail and I have tried moving him a couple times to more/less light to see if that helped. He always opened right back up within hours after moving.
We bought the other cluster about 2 months ago and they've been moved a couple time lately to more/less light.
All of them seemed to close up at the same time, about 3 weeks ago. after a couple weeks of no movement.
I just switched the media in the reactor from the BRS Bio Pellets to GFO to get rid of the phosphates. The higher phospates seem to be the only thing changing, besides some red algae growth, but i'm thinkin thats from the high phosphate too.
What do you think?

bang guy

My guess is a change in Alkalinity. What are your Calcium and Alk levels? I do not believe it has anything to do with Phosphate.
Do you use any supplements?
Have you recently switched salt brands?
Thank you for the advice. Here is the current way it looks ... Still looking good??? There is a green algae sitting on top the water on the back I don't think showed up in this pic