Mushroom coral split


My Mushroom coral split into two new little mushrooms for a total of three. I'd like to know if there is anything that I could add to the tank to speed up the growth of the two new ones? I haven't beed adding anything to the water at all other than keeping the water clean and doing regular water changes. As of this point in time I'm extremly pleased with the success that I'm having with my little reef in my home.

nm reef

Active Member
Great news that your 'shrooms are additions are always welcome in my reef. Especially when they are produced by current inhabitants!!
I've found that stable water chemistry/current/lighting combined with 5%-10% water changes on a semi-regular schedule provides ideal conditions for reproduction of many corals. I have yellow polyps/pulsing xenia/numerous 'shrooms and polyps that continue to expand all the time. I seriously believe that the key is in a mature/stable system and not any additive!
Best of luck with the young 'uns.... :cool:


Congratulations Reefman316!!
You could try adding a supplement like Reef Solutions. Most mushrooms will respond to the iodine in it and other supplements.


We just started using DT's Phytoplankton and our mushrooms, especially the blue ones, responded big time. I assume that's what it was since we hadn't done anything else different.
It really helps if you feed them! I have some that I hand feed frozen brine, others that get their nutrition from the Kent Phytoplex I dose in small amounts daily.
Have read a study lately taking place on "another board" putting forth the theory that corals propogate under stress as a self defense mechanism to ensure survival. Sounds like a good theory to me. HTH


I have about 3 mushrooms that have split, well, they moved over about an inch and thier bases grew more. I now have a ricordia mushroom in the process of splitting. I can't wait. I add Kent's Microvert and Kent's Phytoplex every couple of days.