Mushroom Coral


I just bought 1 striped green mushroom. It is not attached to anything. How do I get it to stay in one place. I am afraid I might smash it or something. Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Akhuneteru
I just bought 1 striped green mushroom. It is not attached to anything. How do I get it to stay in one place. I am afraid I might smash it or something. Thanks.
Try putting a rock in a low flow area then put the mushroom on the rock and it should stay this is how I have got loose mushrooms to attatch.


Thank you! I will try that. I hope my inverts don't knock it over tonight. I'm really worried. This is only my 3rd coral and I want to make sure I do it right. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Akhuneteru
Thank you! I will try that. I hope my inverts don't knock it over tonight. I'm really worried. This is only my 3rd coral and I want to make sure I do it right. :happyfish
Your welcome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Akhuneteru
Thank you! I will try that. I hope my inverts don't knock it over tonight. I'm really worried. This is only my 3rd coral and I want to make sure I do it right. :happyfish
You're Welcome.



Active Member
The easiest way is to take the shroom and wrap cheese cloth around and over the rock the and shroom. It will take a week or so for it to take a footing, so the wrap will hold in place allowing the reefer to monitor the progress. Some people use bridal veil, rubber bands, mini holding containers inside the tank.
I, like many others have found that bridal veil or cheese cloth work with out fail when it come to slimy corals that you can not glue to rubble rock.
In the pics you can see a piece of cabbage coral I wrapped in cheese cloth and 9 days latter complete footing and rapid growth.



:happyfish What a cool idea! I will try that, thanks! My skunk shrimp keeps taking it off and draging it off to the back of the tank. That little stinker.