Mushroom dissapeared....


New Member
Hi, I put in a blue starfish and a sand sifting starfish yesterday and I've noticed i have a large mushroom that has now vanished.... would one of these of had it??
I also have a regal tang i put in last week. and a bi-colour angelfish the week before.
I also have 3 clownfish (2 perc's,1 black and white)
2 blue damsels
scarlet hawkfish
1 blue legged hermit
2 red legged hermits
about 5 turbos.
but its only dissapeared last night some time.....??


Active Member
some starfish are predatory. but also, i almost lost 2 shrooms this morning cause they were letting go of their rock. it may have just said "i don't like this area," let go of the rock, and floated away.
welcome to the boards :) how long have you been doing saltwater? sorta addicting huh?


New Member
yeah,there is no stump or anything,but two really small baby ones underneath that is now showing. I cant see the mushroom anywhere!!
Thanks for the welcome, I have been doing it for about 6months now,and i am totally addicted!!
As well as the fish I have mentioned I also have
2 candy shrimp
3 feather dusters
soft pink tree coral
hard xenia tree coral
and about 30kg of live rock.
oh and now only 2 mushrooms!!
cant wait till it has matured some more coz I want some anenomes!!


Active Member
you always could move your rock around and try to find it. it probably got carried away and is under your lowest rock.


New Member
at the moment i have a 180 (40 gallon) tank. but hopefully will be getting a 300 litre tank soon. I run 4 39watt t5's 2 white,2 blue. blue led moonlight 2hours either side of main lights being on. external filter,skimmer,uv and fours powerheads. I have loads of different seawead, red and purple algea on the rocks,all fish are healthy and corals are doing well :)


Active Member
my shrooms move all the time. most of them like indirect lights. if u put them under a shaded rock, they shouldnt move as much.


Active Member
i am beginning to think that's why my red are moving (direct light) but my greens are basking in the light. i had a couple purples, one of which didn't move, and another did and is hiding out in a very dim area. they really tick me off LOL by moving.
i'm sure you've read enough, but someone will chime in on it so i may in a little more polite way than others might, the regal tang may soon outgrow your tank. they serously can get up to 12" long and need tons of room to swim. i'd assume a 300 litre is a 75 gallon? that still may be a tad small.
can you post a pic of the starfish in the fish discussion area and ask for ophiura's help identifying it? may help determine if a danger to your tank :)


Active Member
all shrooms hv different lighting needs. the red ones need more lights than the regular shrooms. it all depends on which shrooms u hv.


New Member
Hi, I know how big the regal tang gets and it has a lovely 6ft tank to go in when it gets too big :)
Thanks for all the advice on the mushrooms. the one that has dissappeared was a green/brown one. I have another one of those left,and another that is brown with blue dots. under the one that has dissapeared I have 3 tiny brown ones.
I will have to move some rock about and try and find it.
The starfish I have is a sand sifting one, and a blue one (i saw these blue ones when diving in fiji and they where massive!! Mine is only about 4 inches at mo. so this might end up going into the big tank eventually as well.