mushroom exploding?


New Member
I have had a mushroom polyp for about 2 months now. It appeared to be doing extremely well. It was growing fairly rapidly and showed no signs of deterioration and then all of the sudden it began oozing a "clear cloud of jelly" from its mouth and now it has a bunch of other stuff oozing out of its mouth. The best way to describe the stuff coming out now is that it looks similar to very small hammer polyps or some other sort of coral. Is this something to be alarmed about? My other mushroom seems to be doing extremely well. I did about 25% water change as soon as I saw this--- should I consider doing another water change???


Sounds like mushroom poopage. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen.


Well, you will know for sure by tomorrow. It will be back to normal if it is poop. Any way to post a pic?


Actually it's poopageliology, but I simply gave the common name.:)



Originally posted by Tizzo

I'm so embarrassed, you're right! I actually was going to minor that in college. But then I stopped eating at Taco Bell and lost an interest in the study. :)


You shoulda did it anyway... It would be very beneficial information to have and more importantly, share, on a forum such as this. Boy did you miss out. I think there's even a shortage of poopageliologists, you woulda made big bucks!!:nope:



Actually.. since I'm passed my 3rd kid trained to potty.. I could prob go back with some "field experience" and be a few credits ahead.!



Active Member
You two are so funny....
Is is white stringy stuff? If so I have had mushrooms do this when they are moved or stressed for some reason. It will bounce back, mine did.
I just bought a new green hary mushroom yesterday and it has this white stuff coming from the mouth. I now in a few days it will be okay. Keep an eye on it though.


New Member
Okay, here is the best pict that I can get right now.
The mushroom has closed up since this morning. If there is a problem, what would be the best thing to do for it?


That's more than poopage... He's not happy with something. There are no critters bothering him are there?? Most likely he will be fine, but right now...he ain't happy.:nope:
Do you have any other corals in your tank? What is your salinity or even your specific gravity. Also have you tested all the norms in the last day or so?? ammonia, nitrites, nitrates. If you did, post results. If not test those things...then post results.


Active Member
Yup mine did that exact same thing. I know what caused mine was when I did a water change, instead of mixing the salt in the water before dumping it in I just sprinkled it in the water, some salt fell on the mushroom and it looked exaclty like that.
Another time I was feeding my mushrooms brineshrimp, and the salt from that also made it do that same thing.
It will tak a while for it to be normal again, be patient. Mine took a few months and now it is spreading everywhere, just be careful of excessive salt crystals falling onto them when you do water changes. Make sure your salt is completely disolved before adding the water when doing changes.


New Member
I have not tested water yet, except for sg which is 1.024
I have only one other mushroom in the tank right now. Every now and again (in the mornings) I spot my anemone crab "playing" with one of the mushrooms. He normally has them tucked under his legs, then as soon as the lights come on he is gone. I noticed this this morning along with the "poopage"


New Member
I don't think so. As I have watched him he only goes around the mushrooms at night (for sleeping?) and does not seem to bother them. But I will pay closer attention now.


I asked about the critters because I had a whelk, which I THOUGHT was a model citizen, until I saw him attack my shroom. Anyway long story short, as soon as he made contact my shroom shriveled up and did the poopage thing. I was right there so I removed the whelk but before I got off a few pics, he sucked himself right again.


New Member
I have not seen anything like that in my tank.
I read somewhere that there are corals that shoot out spores or something. I know this probably isn't what is happening, but are there really corals that do that?


Yes there are and because it's like 1 o'clock in the mornin' I can't remember any more about it. I would not even have remembered THAT had you not brought it up... Lemme think for a while.:)


OK I am still thinking but what I am slowly remembering is that it's not a coral, it's some invert and they do it for reproduction. Still thinking...:sleepy: :nervous: