Mushroom help


I wanted to get some info on my mushrooms. I have had them for about 8 months now and I have always noticed this just wondering if it is normal or not. Some times they are really big and sometimes they are small. They always shrivel up when the lights go out. Sometimes they are flat on the rock and sometimes they raise up so that you can see their stalk. And they always do this at the same times as each other. Different mushrooms on different rocks. Is this normal behavior for mushroom corals? My water params: ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0, PH 8.3, S.G. 1.025. Any info would be appreciated.


Mine did the same thing there life in my tank (they are dead now, but not because of this behavior but rather from moving them 145 miles to my new house - but a couple of them that didnt totally disintigrate are regenerating). Anyway mine did this every now and then, I've heard when they raise up like a cup, they are feeding.
And my Ricordea mushroom would shrivel up every night when the lights went out as well as some brownish green frilly mushrooms.