mushroom ID please


I've got 2 colonies of this mushroom about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately I fogot to ask for its name.
I don't know the scientific name, but they're known as Hairy Mushrooms. I have one in my tank and it does VERY well. In fact my Clown has hosted it.
By the way yours are really nice looking.
:) NewBe


thanks alot to you both,
now Im sure it's hairy mushroom. it looks greener in real. I got 2 types: brown base and green tips, the other light green base and brown tips. They're 3-4" when fully expanded for each individual mushroom.


I got 6 pieces of different corals for $200. The LFS would sell it for $40 (9 individual mushrooms and it's a big colony) I remember that I have them for about a month already (bought on the 12th of april), not 3 weeks. They spit in the morning every time I feed the tank with Micro.Vert made by Kent the night before that morning.


This is the other colony. now, they're spitting. I fed Kent phytoplex last night.
Interesting, this is what I've just noticed now. One of them let go its colony and moved onto another piece of LR. I think it's time to frag the other colony as well :D it looks kindda crowded when fully pumped.


Are they letting go when it's crowded? and is this how they're preparing to multiply? Anyone please!