Mushroom Polyp - Umbrella


New Member
I just bought a Mushroom Polyp - Umbrella from this website and when it came it was not attached to a piece of rock. Should it have been attached to a rock or is this okay. It has been in my tank for 24 hours now and still has not attached itself to a piece of rock. Do these attach themselves or is something wrong with it??


Active Member
you may need to glue or net it to a rock. Not too hard to do except mushrooms get a bit slimy when handled.


New Member
someone please help the mushroom keeps falling on the bottom. will it die if it is not attached to a rock


Hi, I am new to this but I love my mushrooms and can tell you what I do. 3 ways to get them to attach 1st you can get frag glue its like super glue but safe in your tank but that wont help you right this moment, 2nd you can push it into a divit in a rock sometimes it will stay if it likes the location sometimes I have to try another spot. When you do this don't press super hard but hard enough that it will stay, it will feel a little slimy when you do this. I have done this a couple times and I have not had the shroom die. In fact most of the time it stays right where I put it. 3rd way is to take some netting like from a fish net, cut it, put it on the rock with the shroom under the net and rubber band it to the rock. Personally I have only glued and pushed have not tried the net method but read about it here and plan to do it that way when I cut (frag) mushrooms because I believe they will be more stressed having been cut. Hope I helped let... me know how it goes.


One more thing, I have one that set itself free from the mother rock
and fell behind some rock work that I was NOT willing to move so I left it, It is now attached to the sand and the edge of a rock. They are hardy little things!!