mushroom problem


New Member
I just bought a ricordia mushroom from a local store. It has been doing good for about a week until now I have noticed it does not fully open and does not get its color. It is in almost direct light and enough current to make it move a little. What should I do?? :help:


what type of lights do you have? If there really powerful u may want to move them to a slightly more shaded part of the tank. If there no powerful or you got old bulbs it may be time for a replacement. When was you last water change.


New Member
I have a compact flourscent and I do water changes almost every thursday. I have moved to a more shaded place but nothuing yet


Active Member
check for stray voltage. I have a yuma rock that was doing that, and the other day i happen to stick one finger in the tank, and got a shock. bought a probe, and they seem to be doing better.

reefer jer

they like lower light and low circulation up to medium......need time to adapt....
just watch if it expels white stringy filamint out its mouth, or gets brown jelly looking stuffc on it it needs more circulation...but odds are at that point by by mr. mushy.
Keep us posted I hope it makes it!
Reefer Jerm

reefer jer

rics are one of the few corals that really prefer pc...gort them under pc's, vho's, and 250 watt halides....pcs win on rics.....
reefer Jerm


Active Member
I hope you don't mind if I ask a question here regarding mushrooms....

Do all mushrooms require the same amount of light?
If not then which ones must have higher lighting?

reefer jer

Hello Debby, I'm Reefer Jerm...Glad to meet ya!
all are about the in medium/low light....not to low though....ricorda like a bit more light....


Active Member
Glad to meet you too. Would you say that a toadstool would require the same type of lights?