Mushroom Question



My daughter has a nano reef (20 gallon) with a beautiful rock covered with mushrooms. Lately some of the mushrooms have detached themselves. Why are they doing this? I've enclosed a pic of the shrooms. TIA


Active Member
wow nice shrooms.. they are prob doing that becuase its getting alittle crowed on that rock..


Mushrooms do that :D It's a good thing. They start dropping off and will (unless they're floating around) attach somewhere. You can pick up the ones that dropped off and set them where you want them. I love mushrooms.


Thanks for the insight:) Now all I have to do is talk my daughter out of the ones that have detached!LOL!


Someone over at Reef Central said they were "Discosoma sp." I really think they're neat!


Active Member
discosoma sp. is a general scientific name, regardign the genus of the mushrooms. the truth is most mushrooms are not classified, only certain one like ricordea and elephant ear, have a true scientific name. most of all the common mushrooms that we keep in or tanks are unidentified, and the only way to do so would be to genetically profile each of them, its quite possible that they are all the same with color and tentacle morphs, and its also possible that they are all different. but i must say fishlovr, that is a gorgeous set of shrooms, and if you would ever be interested in selling a couple individuals, let me know. they are fantastic!
good luck


Thanks for the info, Jon:) The pic is of my daughter's colony. I have 5 that she already gave me. She came over tonight and said that I could have the two smaller (quarter sized) ones that just came off. The larger ones are about 3 inches across! She's going to keep them:) They really are magnificent. If I can get the smaller ones going on a piece of rubble, you are welcome to them.....although I haven't a clue as to how I would send them.....


Active Member
just in a bag with like 1/3 full of water, the rest air, in a small styrofoam box, or like one of those bags at teh grocery store that are supposed to keep temps stable. id gladly pay for any shipping! let me know man! those are just too cool! maybe once i get my orange ricordea growin i could send you a frag!
good luck


I'll let you know if I'm successful with the 'shrooms:) I don't have any orange one would be nice!
I just got the same kind of looking shrooms, what do I need to do special to my tank if anything? DO they need Calcium like my rocks do? Or will Calcium hurt them, because I add a cap fool everynight and my clorane algae is nice and purple :)


Don't know that you need to do anything special. My daughter just adds equal parts of B-Ionic daily to her tank for calcium and buffering. She also adds DT's and Reef Solution 2 or 3 times a week. They seem to like low to moderate lighting and low flow. Hope this helps:)
Cool thanks this is my first attempt at shrooms. Also do hermit crabs bother them? I have about 9 crabs and didnt think of that until now.


Active Member
ya if you do decide to sell some id would be intrested, or if anyone knows of a site selling those


Don't think you're crabs will be a problem, but my daughter has only red scarlets with hers. Maybe someone else will know about your's for sure......
Well I have some blue leg, and zebra... One small one is already exploreing the rock the shrooms are on. Slothy get a hold of guy comstock he has some for sell, I baught an anemone from him! Good guy to do business with.