Metal Halide light is not need for mushroom growth and reproduction. However moderate lighting (PC, VHO, etc) will help stimulate the growth of the mushrooms. Low wattage regular lighting, generally does not allow the mushrooms to thirve and reproduce.
Well size of the tank that might ok to keep the mushrooms alive. But the rule of thumb is three to five watts per gallon. However mushroom can usually do well with lighting from 2.5-3 watt per gallon. But the combination you mention is an ok spectrum.
can i use reptile lights to be pointed strait at them? i have 150watt domes and can get incandescent bulbs and hang them above the corals and mushrooms is there any reason this wont work?
aces, i would not go with incandescent lighting as the spectrum will be wrong. Try looking through the threads in the equip. forum, theres a lot of good info there.
I had 2 NO's over my shroom tank and later added 144w's of Power Compacts and they doubled in size in 24hrs. I was shocked!! They now reproduce at an alarming rate and I'll have to start selling frags back to my LFS since I only have a 30gal. I am now a believer in good lighting!