Mushroom Toadstool ??????


I just got a toadstool frag from the fish store the guy had slice me of a piece and wraped some fishing line around some LR. Anyways i woke up 2 days ago and the thing blew off the rock so after digging around i found it and reattached it to the rock and a couple hours later all the polyps work extended and it look fine. Well today i checked out and noticed only a couple polyps were out and has a tealish color tent to it? Is this bad? This is my first leather and all my other corals are thriving and doing great. (ZOAS,LPS,XENIA,). All water parm. are in check!!! 0 0 0 0 8.3 10dkh 420
Thanks for your help!


mine is a bit tempermental. if say a shrimp, snail, fish or hermit contacts
it then it will withdrawl. so dont worry for now. just watch it for a little while.


Originally Posted by forsfed50
mine is a bit tempermental. if say a shrimp, snail, fish or hermit contacts
it then it will withdrawl. so dont worry for now. just watch it for a little while.
what about the color change?