Mushrooms and toadstool dying??


New Member
My hairy-mushrooms and toadstools have'nt been doing to well lately. The mushrooms do not open up and spread out as they once did and the toadstool is leaning on its side. There is a brown-film that partially covers the mushrooms that goes away when the lights go out only to re-appear the next day? I've tested my water and everything seems ok. I also took a sample to the LFS just to make sure, and they said it was fine. I have a 10g nano set-up with 10lbs. of LR a fussion protein skimmer and marineland 100 bio-wheel filter. I don't think the water quality is my problem. Any suggestions?? Thanks for any input!!


i dont know about what the actual issue may be. list your parameters specifically and someone may be able to better help.
LFS are nortorious for saying your water is fine that way you may walk out with another coral that day.
people need your
PH, amm, nitrate, nitrite, calcium, alk, salinity and temp levels to really be of much help.
the brown stuff that grows when lights are on and dissapears when lights are off leads me to believe it is cynobacteria, cuased by many things like to much nutrients, not enough flow, bad light bulbs, new light bulbs etc....
How old is your tank


could be too much light in a tank that small, that's why the film goes away after lights out. Shrooms don't like alot of light.


Active Member
You must have your toadstool in a medium flow area. The often shed and this shedding can "sometimes" affect other corals. The use of carbon is a must with leathers to keep the water nice and polished. If they are really close to each other I would move them apart a bit. Do you do water changes regularily?
Some toadstools can emitt a toxin while shedding and this "might" be what is happening to your tank.
As suggested your lights might be the problem too, can you list what kind of lights you are running??
Leathers and mushrooms are quite easy to care if the water quality if good.


New Member
I have recently added more light. I'll cut it back and see what happens. The toadstools are in a med. flow area, so I don't think thats the problem. The mushrooms were doing fine until a couple weeks ago. Someone on another message board said it might be my frogspawn "stinging" my other corals. Could that be the issue?


Active Member
I don't know anything about frogspawn but if they sting it just might be the problem. Can you move it away from the toadstool and mushrooms? I would give that a try and see what happens.


New Member
brown-film ? sure it`s not more purple? this stuff spreads like wild fire. reduceing the light will help, try and syphion the slim out, dont let it float round your tank, the spore`s grow like mad, if you can, get some antired in the tank. It is a real stubburn slim to get rid of.
good luck.