Mushrooms not coming out and other things...


Ever since i added my fuge my mushrooms have not been opening up fully and my anenomes and hammer look flat.
My water paremeters are good and all my other corals (zoes, xenia, brains, tongue...etc) are normal. Could they being going through and adjustment period due to the new addition?


Two days...yesterday my water looked clearer than it ever has and thats when I noticed. My orange mushrooms while opening turn green to orange...but they are staying green and not opening.
I actually have less water flow right now. My tupe flowing into the sump/fuge has somewhat of a kink in it right now so I had to slow down my pump.


Active Member
What kind of lighting are you using? My first thought is if the water is quite a bit more clear and you are using strong lighting (a good thing) the corals are going through an adjustment.
What is in the fuge that you added?


Lights are the same...PC (I am putting some 250 mh fixures on soon) dual blue and dual white. In the fuge i put a sand bed, chaeto, 2 mangroves, and some copepods.