Mushrooms not oppening

jb clown

New Member
I have had my fish in my tank for about 6 weeks and i bought some mushrooms and a leather. I have them about 9 in. for my light which is a 65w blue and 65w white light (a total of 130 ). When i first put them in they were doing well and then all of a sudden the are not oppening. My leather is doing well but just not the mushrooms. I need some help please. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks!!! :help:


How long have you had them ? it took my shrooms days to decide they were happy enough to open all the way. Sometimes, you just have to move them around in the tank... they may have decided they dont like where they are. Is a powerhead maybe blowing at them? That will make them unhappy!

jb clown

New Member
I have had them in for about 3 weeks and when i put them in they were fine then all of sudden they didn't open. I have my pump blowing water right at them and the leather so they get water.
Thanks :thinking: :confused:


mushrooms don't always need a lot of light, try putting them a little lower in the tank and not to much water flow they don't like that...


My mushrooms did the same thing more or less. Some days they would open up, other days not so much, and sometimes only partially open up for several days in a row. I just tried moving them around the tank from time to time. When you get the right spot, you will notice that they open up nicely. And, you may have to give it some time. Like Ras- said, they don't really like a lot of current and just try different height levels to see how much light they would like. Good luck!