Must move anemone - How?


Is there a trick to getting your anemone to let go of rocks? Mine moved up right next to the inflow of my skimmer, and I have to move him because he's blocking it. However, I don't want to hurt him by pulling him off of the rock. Is there a good way to get them to unhitch?


Anemones move where they feel comfortable. If you DO move him, you risk injuring him and he will end up moving some place else more than likely.


Yes. But if he doesn't like how the water flows in his new spot or how the light hits him, he'll just move someplace else.


I had the same problem with my bubble tip. I got fed up eventually and tried the following experiment. I got one of my wifes glass bowls, a medium sized one. I took the rock I wanted him on and put him and the rock under the bowl. I made sure to leave a little room for current, but not much and only on one side. Well, he moved around that bowl for about a day, chose a spot on the rock and gave up. After three days, I removed the bowl and he stayed right in the same place till this day.
Like the subject of this post says, NOT GOOD ADVICE, but it worked.


Thanks for the help. I guess I'll just wait it out. The only problem is he's screwing up the flow into my skimmer. Hopefully he'll move on his own soon.


Active Member
Its prett much its choice- but you can move it- you just have to be very careful- i have to take BTA off of rocks at least 2X a week at my work- just nice and slow


You could do something to get him to move on his own. I have LTA that decided to cram himself towards the back of the tank and open up towards the rear. I couldn't see him well at all. I changed the powerhead so it blew towards him(not directly on him) and blocked some of the light. He didn't like the spot he was in anymore, so he moved around to the side of the tank, so I could view him. He has stayed put for 4 months now, even though I aimed the ph back in the original direction and removed the temp shade.


He's going crazy now. I just came back in the room and he's just hanging off the glass at the top of the tank. Oh well. Hopefully he'll find a good spot. The spot he was in before was perfect, though. Thanks for all the help.
He's got stringy things now coming out from each individual tentacle. What are those? He's not releasing waste, I know what that looks like. These are stringy white things coming off of each individual tentacle.