huron look
New Member
Moving-Hate to sell but all must go at once... no spliting....Salt wter...55 long show complete...loaded... fiji rock, coral 2 under gravel filters and a 60 whisper hang filter Damsels 2 blu3-4 2 4strpe- 3-4"- 1-blemmy-5" 2 perculla clownswild not tanke bred--1 feather duster -@6' 1 long tenactle anneonme-4 maxi jets-400, 2 maxi hets-900, 2-submersible heaters, digital therms,5 air tetra ailr pumps , 1 tetra ap50,2 ap150, 2 ap 200, hoods grow and color lights, 1 odessa 240 x 2 with 4 moon lights 48" flip up for deep or hang all brackets....Costom STAND/BARi wth lights. Pick up ONLY. Pics available. leave msg and will reply...have about 2 months.
.. lowest pick up price in port huron Michiganis $900.00 over $2800.00 ivested and worth much more. All or nothing.. look and make offer