My 10 Gal update pics


Wow its been a while since I've posted new pics. I have re-aranged the LR, and gotten a few new corals. Here they are.
Pink, and green Hammerhead


Shrooms with LOTS of nudibranch, tiny guys though. Still havent identified them yet, they are the purple dots on the shrooms. 3 are circled in red.


Here you can see my LMB on the right, the clown is using some sort of blurr technique, can't get a decent shot of him... He doesn't have a clue what the Condi anenome is, think he was tank raised, and that explains the anenome crab.


About 2 weeks. He's really active, always hopping around pecking off mysid and brine that are living in the tank, as well as the algae on the powerhead sponge.


I doubt they will get too big, the Blenny is at max size already, 5.5" and the clown in on his way to 4". I do need more liverock, I was thinking about another 10-15 lbs. It has ~10 already. The main rock and side rock above the HH equal 6.6, and the one the shrooms are on is around 3 lbs. Substrate is a mixture of livesand, and sm/med puca shell, I added that to help buffer everything. Have a whisper 30 on the back, and a 200gph powerhead with sponge for added bio support. It also has a jimmyrigged skimmer, that reads, limewood stone behind filter pad. I want to get one of those prisim skimmers, but dont have 100 to just throw down right now. Looked at my recipts the blenny has been in there for almost a month actually. Time flys when your busy...



Originally posted by BlackHavoc
I want to get one of those prisim skimmers

dont do it :) i had one, they need constant attention and always need to be tinkered with.


really... that sucks. Looks like a venturi canister style then, thats in the 250 range... if i get it though i wont need another for when i switch over to the 40 thats itching to be setup.