My 100 Gal


My Baby!
Almost as expensive. LOL
My goal now is to get it full of coral. What do you think?
Stock list
1-yellow tang
1-sailfin tang
1-blue damsel
1-golden headed goby
1-true perc
1-coral beauty angel
1-sally lightfoot
2-emerald crabs
2-cleaner shrimp
3-peppermint shrimp
9-turbo snails
25-astrea snails
2-nassarius snail
25-Cerith Snail
20-30 hermits blue and red legs
1-red serpent starfish
1-brittle starfish



Active Member
id get one more true perc, but i really like those lil guys LOL so im always sayin do pairs, cant wait til i get my own pair of em


60" long
18" wide
20" deep
And I bought a 24 gal. nano to put the true perc in.
Before I put him in I bought another one about the same size.
I put them in the nano along with a BTA and they started fighting over the BTA. One of them started nipping at the others tail pretty often. So I put it back in the 100gal.
The nano has an algea problem, but its gettin better.



I want to add more corals and I want a engineer goby and a Blue hippo tang.
I want to add green star polyps next and maybe a leather.