My 100g Reef Diary



Hi guys i started this tank back in early march and it has gone surprisingly well. Here is my stock list so far.
1. Sixline Wrasse
2. Sailfin Tang
3. Orange Shoulder Tang (Juvenile)
4. Powder Blue Tang
5. Foxface Rabbitfish
6. 2 Ocellaris Clowns
7. 2 Green Mithrax Crabs
8. 2 Serpent Starfish
9. Cleaner Shrimp
10. 2 Peppermint Shrimp
11. 3 Red Legged Hermits
12. 5 Mexican Turbo Snails
13. 10 Nassarius Snails
14. Bubble Tip Annemone
15. Star Polyp
16. Orange Brittle Plate ( not sure the exact name )
17. Short Tentacle Plate
18. Green Button
19. Green Fire Torch
20. Clove Polyp
21. Kenya Tree
22. Small Pulsating Xenia frag
23. Decorator Crab
Let me know what you guys think. Also i am thinking about adding the following.
1. Blue Regal or Achilles Tang
2. Manadarin Dragonet
3. Flame Angelfish
4. More Corals!



Your tank looks very nice, BUT for such a new tank you sure have a lot of stuff...I'm not sure I would add anything more yet, let alone another large tang.
The mandarin should not be added until the tank is a minimum of 6 months old, and you have a large copepod population and a way for more to breed.
How long ago did you add all of these fish/corals? ALSO how long was the tank up before you added them?


ya i was thinking of getting the manadarin this week cuz i got like 100s of copepods on the glass in the DT and i have stocked my refugium with copepods. as for the large tang i dont mind waiting. i think i only have enough room for like 2-3 more fish anyways
i forgot i have 125 lbs of rock and 3-4 sand substrate


i think one of my future fish will be the Bellus Angelfish also


Active Member
Copepods always flourish in a new tank such as yours. One of their favourite algaes is diamtoms and there's always an abundance when you first start out. Their populations will wax and wane.... what you have will greatly diminish when the food source lessons.... and it will.
Your tank hasn't been up long enough to do anything else but go "surprising well". It's a few of months in that you realize you're tank can't handle what you have rushed to put in.
I would stop adding fish, as I honestly feel you have too much in there at this point. Corals are not so taxing on the system... look to adding some hardy ones at this point if you feel you need to add something. But I would stop and step back to be honest.
You've stacked your rock quite nicely!
Post #3... 3rd pic in... that's a coral skeleton.


post #3 3rd pic is a short tentacle plate actually not a skeleton


It looks good Ryano, but I have to admit, when I saw you added the sailfin as soon as you did, I didn't think it was going to make it. I have to agree with cranberry on this one, and although you may be able to pull it off, it isn't a good practice to add fish that quickly, and I would definately wait at least six months for the mandarin because they can be sensitive even without the lack of food. Also, you may have trouble with that many tangs in 100 gallon tank, they may start to get aggressive towards each other before too long. You may want to only add some small fish, in a couple months, like a dwarf angel, or flame hawk or a blenny or sand sifter gobie. Tank looks good though.


thanks ibanez ya im gonna hold off on the fish for a bit. the short tentacle plate is hard to see the tentacles cuz well my camera is not the best lol but i assure you they are there