My 10G Nano


New Member
Hi everyone
I have just recently started my 10 gallon nano. Tank after many months of research and head scratching, I finally started my tank. This will be a very slow build as i don't want to make any mistakes.
Objective: Maintain a nice and peaceful SPS dominated nano tank.
Display tank: Modified Jebo R338
Display tank lighting: 150W MH shop fitter with 20000K bulb
Display tank circulation: 2x 200G/hr power heads (soon to have a controller)
Sump: Will soon be adding one.
Skimmer : Will come with the sump.
Current Inhabitants:
Fish: 1x 6 line wrasse
corals: 1x small colony of black pearl zoas.
Will be adding some more corals sometime soon.
will post up some pictures sometime within the next week.
Cheers Jordan


Active Member
looks nice! how long has it been up and running so far? and im sure you have read that a sump and skimmer is very important for a reef tank, but with just a ten gallon tank most people will say you dont need to set up a whole sump and skimmer. if you take a look at, you can see an easy way to put chaeto (type of macro algae) into you back chamber with a light and you will have a mini fug right there. as long as you do that and bi-monthly water changes (in your case maybe a 2 gallon change) every month you will be just fine!

welcome to the boards! i hope i have helped


New Member
thanks Patrick
the tank has been running for around 3 months now.
the reason i wanted a sump was to not only have my 10G nano tank hooked up to it but to also have a 2ft frag tank connected, but i will probably only hook it up at the end of the year when i start my 2ft frag tank. in the mean time i will probably modify an AC 20 as my fuge as the jebo doesn't have a back chamber.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jordan58
thanks Patrick
the tank has been running for around 3 months now.
the reason i wanted a sump was to not only have my 10G nano tank hooked up to it but to also have a 2ft frag tank connected, but i will probably only hook it up at the end of the year when i start my 2ft frag tank. in the mean time i will probably modify an AC 20 as my fuge as the jebo doesn't have a back chamber.
your welcome and i guess i didnt really look at the picture because i would have seen the no back chamber haha oops. but i have chaeto in my HOB filter and it works great. my light hang over the filter a little to give the chaeto enough light to grow and stay healthy. the 2ft frag tank sounds sweet cant wait to see that! and the sump along with it


New Member
got my first SPS today, not sure what it is called cause i can't remember the name.
right now its brown because it was under some stress moving, but at the LFS it was a beautiful dark purple color.
will post some picture tonight.


New Member
here is a picture of the new layout and the newest member a starfish:

and here is a picture of the SPS-poccilopora:

and finally a picture of my sixline wrasse:

nano wave 9

i am new too with saltwater aquariums
same like you i did a lot of research before setting up my tank
is a nano wave 9
- Modular Filtration: Mechanical, Biological plus Refugium w/dedicated power-compact light.
; - Each filtration module lifts out for easy maintenance
- Power-driven venturi protein skimmer
- The integrated refugium reduces maintenance
- 9 gallons complete saltwater system
- Outstanding flow-rate
- East to care for, radiused glass construction
- Over 5 watts per gallon with 2x24 PC lighting
- Dual Moonlight
well i still don't know who to get pictures of it here. i have 3 1/2 weeks and all levels are
ph 8 and the rest is 0
i got a maroon clown which is fine and some turbo snail


New Member
sounds good nano wave
how big is your maroon clown (i have always wanted one and i cant find one smaller than 5cm).
good luck

nano wave 9

Originally Posted by Jordan58
sounds good nano wave
how big is your maroon clown (i have always wanted one and i cant find one smaller than 5cm).
good luck
when i got it was about 1.2 inch, but now is getting bigger. i will post some pictures next
what do you think, if i get another fish any ideas of a smaller fish?


New Member
looks good
although it does look like you have apstasia on the rock to the right.
i would suggest if you wanted another fish maybe a goby of some sort.
maroon looks really good.

nano wave 9

Originally Posted by Jordan58
looks good
although it does look like you have apstasia on the rock to the right.
i would suggest if you wanted another fish maybe a goby of some sort.
maroon looks really good.
thanks the apstasia came with the live rock also another type just don;t know how are call. there is a black snail too.
question what temp do you get during the day? i do have a chiller on my nano due the high temp in california. i get about 77 to 79. can you see the little white dots on my glass i don't know what it is. they look like little fish stars


New Member
my tank stays at around 79 but we are in winter right now (Australia) in summer it gets to around 83, but i don;t have a chiller so i point a fan at the tank instead.
the white dots may be copepods, great food for your fish.